Patriarchy runs on fear: fear of being an outsider, fear of being brutalised and fear of being too much, too inadequate, too vocal or too different. Fear is an excellent way to keep people under control because it forces us to police ourselves in the false hope that we may be able to keep ourselves safe. Pumla Dineo Gqola – The patriarchy expects you to follow these scripts. https://www.newframe.com/the-patriarchy-expects-you-to-follow-these-scripts/
I have recently recovered from a Covid infection. For me, at 69, it was a relatively mild illness. So, too, for 6 of my family members aged from three to forty nine. There were moments when I felt anxious about the possibility of more serious illness – anxiety generated by the fear-based media attention and mainstream narrative about the virus. And by friends who made sure to tell me about people they had heard of who were suffering terribly from the virus. Why would they tell me that? Is my healthy immune system and mild Covid illness such a threat to the mainstream narrative?
Of course it is.
Women’s healing practices were one excuse for the “witch” murders that began in the ninth century and lasted for about 600 years. Women who defied the edicts of the Church, sometimes in apparently trivial ways, were labelled witches or heretics and murdered. The ecclesiastical trials were horrifying in their injustice and brutality, and the number of victims during the “Burning Days”[i] is estimated between 100,000 and 9 million[ii]. It may seem strange that there is uncertainty about the exact numbers, but it is not easy to look at our history and see the ignorant, brutal, and destructive forces that have shaped our beliefs and attitudes.
During the Burning Days anyone who had an unusual ability, or who was vocal in criticism of the church or of patriarchal values and laws, risked torture and death. There was a determination to destroy or force submission from anyone who threatened patriarchal values.
The terrible reality is that even for those of us who are not currently in such situations of physical danger, the abuses of the Inquisition are not so far away. It is not so many generations ago that women throughout Europe were subject to systematic extermination for practising independent or creative acts. Not only were the women of those generations (600 years of them) culled for intelligence, creativity, originality, healing ability and autonomy, subsequent generations carried the effects of this persecution, gradually forgetting the cause but nevertheless restricting activities to parameters acceptable to Church and State authorities.
And here we are again!
State authorities in Australia are demanding that everyone have a Covid vaccine, regardless of natural immunity, medical conditions that deserve exemptions, and body autonomy. The constructed fear is that unvaccinated people are somehow dangerous to others and should be forced to comply or be punished. Does that sound familiar? Substitute “witch” for unvaccinated, and you begin to understand what is at work. There is no more evidence to support the danger of unvaccinated people than there was to support the danger of so-called “witches”. Yet, like the good people of the ninth to fifteenth centuries, some of you reading this may believe that unvaccinated people pose a threat to you and your families. How did you form that belief? What lets you know it’s true? What if it’s not true?
And we can’t just “trust the science”. Science is a patriarchal mythology that offers some things of value, but it is not absolute truth. And, on the issue of Covid, there are reputable scientists with very different, often opposing views – and some of those views can be traced back to funding from pharmaceutical companies that have a history of fraud.
Even if you believe all the propaganda about the dangers of the unvaccinated, there is still the option of regular rapid antigen testing to determine if someone is infected with Covid and a risk to others. Why is this not being offered as an alternative to the thousands of nurses, teachers, and other workers who have lost their employment because they choose not to have the Covid vaccine?
Because obedience to authority is a fundamental requirement of patriarchy .
Covid is a real thing (natural or constructed), but the fear surrounding it has been constructed by governments, bureaucrats and pharmaceutical companies with vested interests in profits and power – core elements of patriarchy. There is enough contradictory data about infection death rates, vaccine effectiveness and safety, and tried and tested early treatments to make anyone question what might really be happening. But, at least in Australia, questioning is met with derision, sanctions, and suspension of employment, including medical registrations.
Fear trumps common sense at every turn, and patriarchy runs on fear.
[i] Starhawk, 1989, The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess, San Francisco, Harper.
[ii] P Shuttle & P Redgrove, 1989, The Wise Wound: Menstruation & Everywoman, London, Paladin Books, pp. 197-224.