The spiritual and self-care market walks a fine line between those who legitimately wish to help others along their spiritual path or deal with mental or emotional issues and those who want to make several quick bucks. Along the way, I found businesses that understood that the pagan spiritual path had many branches that people sometimes walked in tandem. Other companies just threw a bunch of pentacle branded items in a box with some herbs because they think that’s what being pagan means. And perhaps to them, that is all that being a pagan means.
When I was looking at boxes, I was in awe of the herbalism boxes. As someone interested in gardening, I thought it would be good to learn herbalism. However, herbalism is like any other practice or skill. It involves devoting a significant portion of your time to learning the art. You need to spend time making tinctures and salves or infusing oils. While I thought I would enjoy doing that, I quickly found I didn’t have the time or space to learn the craft.
The same is true if you want to learn about and balance your chakras; lazy spirituality will not help you there. This practice takes time and dedication. It is not simply a matter of incorporating some extra meditation and a new mantra into your routine. A small ‘balance your chakras’ set I found in a store had weekly tasks including exercise, evaluating your finances, and examining your relationships with people. Really, for $5, it was an excellent investment in improving multiple facets of your life which affect your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
After much trial and error, I decided to keep receiving two boxes, Spiritual Goodies and the Intentional Witch mini box. Spiritual Goodies leans more to Eastern practices; however, I enjoy the books included in the package, making the box helpful for my spiritual inquiry. The box is primarily about teaching the recipient. It has meditation practices and simple spell work, which is a good box for exploring a new spiritual path.
The Intentional Witch mini box is a small box that contains a candle, a crystal or piece of jewelry, incense, and the necessary components to a spell for a specific intention. The larger box has a similar theme, where each month, the subscriber sets an intention, and items and rituals are curated to help them meet that intention. The subscriber cannot request a specific intention for the smaller monthly box. However, the boxes I have received so far have been for practical purposes, such as helping with my job hunt.
Several of the boxes I tried, such as Tamed Wild and Witch’s Moon, are best used by knowledgeable practitioners. These boxes focus more on using magic and ritual in one’s daily life and provide pages for a grimoire and ritual and altar items to expand one’s practice and knowledge. While I do not subscribe to the boxes, I check back in on the company website. Their online stores offer past packages, and some of them contain items that I could use in my practice. I also check back with other boxes, such as Lunarly, which sometimes offers past packages at a much lower price, one I feel is worth what they contain. But, of course, this is my opinion based on my spiritual needs and path at this time. And my path is changing as I grow my practice and transition to a new stage in my life.
At the end of this project, I have reached some conclusions about the spiritual subscription box market. The primary finding is that before you decide to try out a box or three, you need to know a bit about the spiritual path you want to explore. If you try searching for subscriptions online or on a site like CrateJoy.com, you will quickly become overwhelmed with the number of boxes available. As of this writing, there are 166 listed under Spiritual and New Age, with 56 in the Witch subcategory.
Going in without a plan, you can be pulled in multiple spiritual directions because many things look interesting. The pages for these boxes have been set up to display the best of their offerings. Photos show boxes overflowing with items or altars set up using items from the delivery. Of course, these photos often showed the contents of several boxes or used larger items bought from an online store operated by the same company. A little research on reviews and watching some unboxing videos on YouTube can be very helpful. You can see what comes in each box to determine if the package is worth your money. Seeing what you are getting can help shake the stars out of one’s eyes and judge what you bring into your spiritual life.
Due to Covid and other reasons, by 2020, I was burned out on so many levels that I didn’t know what I needed anymore. This is partly why I started the project, to explore a range of spiritual practices and maybe find one that worked for me. And, since I was diving into the deep end of commercial spirituality, I decided to take others along for the journey to keep me engaged and involved with the services on an intellectual level and a spiritual one.
As you have read, sometimes, I succeeded, and sometimes I didn’t. Sometimes I loved the surprises of the boxes, and sometimes I was angry and felt ripped off. I learned through the project that the method for choosing a spiritual subscription box was much the same as finding a spiritual path. The fancy-looking expensive box might leave you feeling hollow inside. But you might discover spiritual peace by following a few different practices and using what works for you.
I found that most of the boxes I explored were legitimately attempting to help the subscriber on their spiritual path. Even a box that initially seemed very superficial displayed later depths. It encouraged its user to reevaluate the emotions and feelings they held on to, which continued to hurt them. In addition, I found some boxes dedicated to helping magical practitioners grow and expand on their existing skills and others that introduced concepts of mindfulness and intention setting to the novice.
On the other side of this, I found a witch box containing a dozen pentacle charms and items with pentacles. Another would deliver candles, tarot, or oracle decks, in addition to things like face oils, scarves, and tea additives. While it was defiantly inspired by pagan and Goddess imagery, this box seemed to lean to lazy spirituality and was marketed to young women in their 20s. It encouraged a connection to sisterhood but not a direct path to spiritual growth beyond burning sage and having crystals. However, according to several online surveys, this is also one of the most popular boxes for witches. So, perhaps this is a good box for some Goddess followers.
To conclude, there are some subscription services that I would deem purely for pagans and magical practitioners, while others in the same category seem to be meeting basic spiritual/self-care needs while drawing from pagan and Eastern religious practices. How well these services encourage spiritual growth is really up to the subscriber to decide how to use the tools provided.
*Click Here* to Download Spirituality (Part 4)
The spiritual and self-care market walks a fine line between those who legitimately wish to help others along their spiritual path or deal with mental or emotional issues and those who want to make several quick bucks. Along the way, I found businesses that understood that the pagan spiritual path had many branches that people sometimes walked in tandem. Other companies just threw a bunch of pentacle branded items in a box with some herbs because they think that’s what being pagan means. And perhaps to them, that is all that being a pagan means.
When I was looking at boxes, I was in awe of the herbalism boxes. As someone interested in gardening, I thought it would be good to learn herbalism. However, herbalism is like any other practice or skill. It involves devoting a significant portion of your time to learning the art. You need to spend time making tinctures and salves or infusing oils. While I thought I would enjoy doing that, I quickly found I didn’t have the time or space to learn the craft.
The same is true if you want to learn about and balance your chakras; lazy spirituality will not help you there. This practice takes time and dedication. It is not simply a matter of incorporating some extra meditation and a new mantra into your routine. A small ‘balance your chakras’ set I found in a store had weekly tasks including exercise, evaluating your finances, and examining your relationships with people. Really, for $5, it was an excellent investment in improving multiple facets of your life which affect your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
After much trial and error, I decided to keep receiving two boxes, Spiritual Goodies and the Intentional Witch mini box. Spiritual Goodies leans more to Eastern practices; however, I enjoy the books included in the package, making the box helpful for my spiritual inquiry. The box is primarily about teaching the recipient. It has meditation practices and simple spell work, which is a good box for exploring a new spiritual path.
The Intentional Witch mini box is a small box that contains a candle, a crystal or piece of jewelry, incense, and the necessary components to a spell for a specific intention. The larger box has a similar theme, where each month, the subscriber sets an intention, and items and rituals are curated to help them meet that intention. The subscriber cannot request a specific intention for the smaller monthly box. However, the boxes I have received so far have been for practical purposes, such as helping with my job hunt.
Several of the boxes I tried, such as Tamed Wild and Witch’s Moon, are best used by knowledgeable practitioners. These boxes focus more on using magic and ritual in one’s daily life and provide pages for a grimoire and ritual and altar items to expand one’s practice and knowledge. While I do not subscribe to the boxes, I check back in on the company website. Their online stores offer past packages, and some of them contain items that I could use in my practice. I also check back with other boxes, such as Lunarly, which sometimes offers past packages at a much lower price, one I feel is worth what they contain. But, of course, this is my opinion based on my spiritual needs and path at this time. And my path is changing as I grow my practice and transition to a new stage in my life.
At the end of this project, I have reached some conclusions about the spiritual subscription box market. The primary finding is that before you decide to try out a box or three, you need to know a bit about the spiritual path you want to explore. If you try searching for subscriptions online or on a site like CrateJoy.com, you will quickly become overwhelmed with the number of boxes available. As of this writing, there are 166 listed under Spiritual and New Age, with 56 in the Witch subcategory.
Going in without a plan, you can be pulled in multiple spiritual directions because many things look interesting. The pages for these boxes have been set up to display the best of their offerings. Photos show boxes overflowing with items or altars set up using items from the delivery. Of course, these photos often showed the contents of several boxes or used larger items bought from an online store operated by the same company. A little research on reviews and watching some unboxing videos on YouTube can be very helpful. You can see what comes in each box to determine if the package is worth your money. Seeing what you are getting can help shake the stars out of one’s eyes and judge what you bring into your spiritual life.
Due to Covid and other reasons, by 2020, I was burned out on so many levels that I didn’t know what I needed anymore. This is partly why I started the project, to explore a range of spiritual practices and maybe find one that worked for me. And, since I was diving into the deep end of commercial spirituality, I decided to take others along for the journey to keep me engaged and involved with the services on an intellectual level and a spiritual one.
As you have read, sometimes, I succeeded, and sometimes I didn’t. Sometimes I loved the surprises of the boxes, and sometimes I was angry and felt ripped off. I learned through the project that the method for choosing a spiritual subscription box was much the same as finding a spiritual path. The fancy-looking expensive box might leave you feeling hollow inside. But you might discover spiritual peace by following a few different practices and using what works for you.
I found that most of the boxes I explored were legitimately attempting to help the subscriber on their spiritual path. Even a box that initially seemed very superficial displayed later depths. It encouraged its user to reevaluate the emotions and feelings they held on to, which continued to hurt them. In addition, I found some boxes dedicated to helping magical practitioners grow and expand on their existing skills and others that introduced concepts of mindfulness and intention setting to the novice.

On the other side of this, I found a witch box containing a dozen pentacle charms and items with pentacles. Another would deliver candles, tarot, or oracle decks, in addition to things like face oils, scarves, and tea additives. While it was defiantly inspired by pagan and Goddess imagery, this box seemed to lean to lazy spirituality and was marketed to young women in their 20s. It encouraged a connection to sisterhood but not a direct path to spiritual growth beyond burning sage and having crystals. However, according to several online surveys, this is also one of the most popular boxes for witches. So, perhaps this is a good box for some Goddess followers.
To conclude, there are some subscription services that I would deem purely for pagans and magical practitioners, while others in the same category seem to be meeting basic spiritual/self-care needs while drawing from pagan and Eastern religious practices. How well these services encourage spiritual growth is really up to the subscriber to decide how to use the tools provided.