Theresa Krier, Ph.D.Theresa Krier is a Professor Emerita of English literature, specializing in medieval and Renaissance writers, and their ancient ancestors in poetry and philosophy. Her work on gender includes the books Gazing on Secret Sights: Classical Imitation and the Decorums of Vision (Cornell University Press); Birth Passages: Maternity and Nostalgia, Antiquity to Shakespeare (Cornell University Press); Dawns Rising: Poetry, Perception, and Irigarayan Thought on Phenomena (unpublished, because the delicious ease of retirement makes her adverse to seeking the strains of publication in her riper years); and essays on Renaissance literature. Her favorite premodern poets are those goddess-haunted writers who love spacious mythopoeic narratives–Homer, Sappho, Hildegard, Hadewijch, Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton.
She is presently navigating the changeful waters of retirement, writing, piano, and the beautiful motions of qigong. She and her canine companion Russet — along with the spirits of the dogs and horses who preceded Russet as companions–can be reached at theresakrier1@gmail.com.