Tanit’s logo is not an objectified female form so I don’t think patriarchy created it. I’m in Ibiza getting to know this Goddess intending to wind a story through the ‘triangle’ – an anthropomorphic symbol, a ‘circle’ above a ‘triangle’ with outstretched ‘arms’ – that is relatable for women today. Can felt experience and intuition de-code the enigma of this Punic Goddess and is her iconography a simplified female form or is it code for powerful beliefs?
“Where there is matter, there is geometry.” – Johannes Kepler.
The Phoenicians brought Tanit to Ibiza. According to Temehu she originated in Libya and even before the Egyptian dynasties emerged she was worshiped there as Neith (Tanit / Tinnit – She Of Neith?) – funerary Goddess of creation, wisdom and weaving – weaving implying she is the Divine Mother.
On mini pilgrimage, I climb the steep boulder strewn path winding through pine trees and carpets of rosemary towards Es Culleram, also known as Tanit’s Cave. Rippling folds of organic limestone flank the entrance to the eye-shaped, womb space that smells of old books. Someone has placed a terracotta bust of Tanit in her idealised, Romanised guise as Virgo Caelestis on the central altar stone – the Romans and Phoenicians colonised the island. There’s something powerful about being deep inside a hollow earth, cocoon at the top of a mountain so perhaps Tanit’s triangle represents a mountain, after all she is the Goddess who unites Earth with Sky. Or maybe the triangle represents an aniconic form of the Goddess as a venerated stone.
In Puig Des Molins, the museum-necropolis, there are countless mould made Tanit votives and icons. Many hold a distinctive pose which I emulate in the musky cave: arms bent at the elbows, forearms forward, thumbs up, palms open facing each other, a position which is quite unlike any hand Mudra I have ever come across. I fail to traverse some spiritual gateway although I imagine how fire, drumming and ecstatic trance would have power here. My clock stops at 11.11. Is this a message about manifesting and time standing still?
Some of the larger busts in the museum-necropolis have detachable arms, possibly because jutting appendages are fragile, or maybe they were for specific purposes and ritual. The posture isn’t familiar. The most comparable hand gesture I can think of is when an Energy Ball is created in Qi Gong. Many of the icons and votives are truncated at the sternum, indicating it’s the upper body that is important, so do Tanit’s hands enclose an energetic space, extending from the palms to the crown chakra? The terminology across the ages may have differed but that doesn’t mean this energy wasn’t felt and harnessed.

I’m invited to a singing and drumming circle in a teepee. As the vibration of mantra spirals to the apex my mind wanders to North Africa. Tanit was worshiped there by the Imazighen – ’the free people’ – so I wonder if the triangle represents a tent infused with symbolic meaning, as precious language and history, worn by women on tattooed on skin and woven into rugs where bare feet tread. Symbols touching skin must be of significance. Did generations of women pass on their esoteric knowing through touch and sensation?
“The tattoo correlates with the Carthaginian goddess Tanit [ ] one of the most beautiful symbols a woman could have on her face.” – Carolina McCabe, Moroccan World News.
Without doubt Tanit’s vibration lives on in Ibiza manifesting as a sense of freedom. Women do seem to be liberated from the weight of patriarchal restrictions and judgement here. Historically Ibiza has a reputation for tolerance and acceptance and this embracing of ‘other’ maybe why it was the heart of hippy counter-culture.
One theory claims ‘Tanit as Triangle’ originates from ‘aleph’, the symbol for the ox and the first letter in the Phoenician alphabet. Whatever her avatar: Tanit, Ashtarte, Ishtar, Demeter, Juno Lucina, Athena, Virgo Caelestis, Neith, surely the ‘ox’ points to Divine Mother lineage. Do all roads lead to Isis and beyond to Neith? Tanit’s vestigial ‘disc’ and ‘arms’ could be the solar disc and cow horns worn by Isis and Hathor or vice versa. If so the space within Tanit’s triangle could compare to the space beneath the Sacred Cow Goddess Hathor, birther of the sun, nourishing humanity.
When the ‘aleph’ is closed with a line at the base it forms a complete triangle, perhaps a sacred womb space or incubating cave. Reverse the triangle and the vulva symbol is revealed! A vulva pointing skywards – how amazing is that! When the ‘aleph’ is closed it resembles the alchemical symbol for ‘air’ – an upright triangle with a horizontal bar. In reverse ‘air’ becomes ‘Earth’. Two triangles form a hexagram, a six pointed star associated with planetary energies. A three-dimensional hexagram set in motion becomes Merkaba, an electromagnetic field believed to connect humans with the Divine. Convoluted coincidence or is there, hidden within Tanit’s iconography, homage to the female light worker alchemists as soul custodians? I’m tempted to say yes because tomb worship was a ‘thing’ and in the graves at Puig Des Molins oil lamps were placed on the root chakras of the deceased, possibly to spark their journey to the afterlife.
Tanit’s symbolism can be found within the sacred geometry of the Tree Of Life and Metatron’s Cube and there are similarities with the Ankh, the Kemetic womb space and symbol of everlasting life. As gate keepers, women were on the front line of birth and death. The afterlife and destiny at birth were huge concerns in the ancient world. This was where the power was and it was in women’s hands. See now why patriarchy set about erasing women’s matrilineal power? But how does this relate to modern woman beyond awareness of ancestral female power being empowering?
If Tanit held sacred space and generated energy what was it for? I really don’t have the secrets to the universe but two clues from Es Culleram, time standing still and manifesting, point to transformation and nourishment. We all need time and space to rest, grow, go inward, heal, breathe, meditate, laugh, be vulnerable, grieve, create life, develop ideas and nurture creativity, or simply sit with emotion. We must fiercely protect our inner world from the incumbent, dominating toxicity of patriarchy.
“Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all.” – Hypatia.
On stele astral bodies are drawn rising above Tanit. As the drummers drum down the fiery, orange sun at Benirras Beach it touches Cap Bernat, the rock in the sea that looks like her. We’re all made of stardust. Quantum says part of our very own internal atomic structure is whizzing far off in the cosmos. Did our ancestral sisters know this and if so does Tanit’s iconography ask us to unite the parts of ourselves, our innate wisdom and wildness, our ecstatic selves, patriarchy bludgeoned out of us?
[Author’s notes] The Kepler triangle is said to be recognised within the geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Hypatia was murdered by the Roman Christian patriarch, possibly for political, religious or misogynistic motives, or all three. I suspect it was because, as a women who ‘knew too much’, she threatened patriarchy to the core.
References and links.
Amazigh Civilization: A Lesson in How to Treat Women, El Houssine, Naaim, Morocco World News
The Disappearing Tradition of Amazigh Facial and Body Tattoos, Carolina McCabe, Morocco World News
Temehu, Tamazight (Berber) Mythology
Thierry H. De Mortain’s Abecedary, Letter A (alpha)
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, openstax
Merkaba Symbol Meaning: What Is Merkaba?, Jessica Tracy, 7chakrastore