I’ve been inspired, motivated, moved to organize a Sacred Feminine Women’s event – a gathering of women. As an artist, educator, spiritual seeker, and pilgrim to sacred sites around the world, I’ve dedicated my art to celebrate the sacred feminine and highlight women’s issues. Once I learned of our ancient matriarchal past as a young woman, I began visiting sites like the Temple of Knossos in Crete where priestesses presided and women ruled. My eyes and my spirit were opened to the possibilities of a different kind of world. Reading books in my late twenties like The Chalice and the Blade by Ryan Eisler, When God was a Woman by Merlin Stone, and Language of the Goddess by Marija Gimbutas, I was astounded to find out that patriarchy has only been our social system for 6000 years vs 30,000 years of matriarchy. That’s when I began traveling to places like the Paleolithic caves in South of France and Newgrange in Ireland to walk in the footsteps of our grandmothers – to feel the connection to ritual and cultures where women and Mother Earth were revered. I was inspired to write about these experiences which culminated in 2 books, Art & Sacred Sites: Connecting with Spirit of Place and Symbols of the Spirit: A Meditative Journey Through Art.
So I’ve embarked on this new journey – not on a pilgrimage to a sacred site like I’ve done so many times before. This journey is taking me to new places, but in a different way. It’s a creative endeavor, one of sharing and building something new in the form of a women’s conference/celebration. For over a year now, I’ve been busy organizing Calling the Circle: A Sacred Feminine Women’s Gathering in San Miguel del Allende, Mexico which I hope to be an annual event.
As women, now more than ever, there’s a hunger for the Circle – as a way to connect to each other and to ancient knowledge. Women all over the world are looking towards reclaiming and remembering their spiritual roots. This gathering is one of many circles and Goddess conferences across the globe as a way to re-gain primal wisdom. We are united in our search and connection to the Sacred Feminine, reminding us of a time when Matriarchy was the cultural norm, when women held equal positions of power in the community – when God was a woman.
Women have been gathering in circle from the beginning of time – whether for ceremony or more practical matters. Around the hearth or the kitchen table, they shared as they prepared a meal. They told their stories and offered healing and guidance to each other. They formed sewing circles and quilting bees to collaborate and create something bigger than each could do on their own. And throughout our lives many of us have gathered in circle with the guidance of authors like Jean Shinoda Bolen and Christina Baldwin. We continue to seek a spiritual connection and a way of sharing with like-minded women through ritual in our modern lives.
This vision began percolating as I was giving book talks and sharing my journey to mainly female audiences. I began looking for more opportunities to inspire others through my stories and artwork when a friend and mentor suggested, “create your own event!” What a great idea to combine my interests and invite inspirational speakers exploring topics in sacred feminine spirituality, ancient matriarchal cultures, ritual, and creativity.
While my focus has always been on the visual arts, I learned early that I was a good organizer, with the ability to use both sides of my brain. These skills have come in handy with my public art projects, art workshops and art vacations in Mexico and Peru, as well as community art events. So the thought of creating Calling the Circle seemed perfect. And San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where I live, is a magical place with a definite spiritual and feminine energy. It’s also a truly beautiful small city and as a Unesco World Heritage Site – a sought out travel destination. Our Circle will unfold in a beautiful private home with ample indoor and outdoor space, a nurturing environment with towering mesquite trees and lovely plazas. It’s also a great location within walking distance or taxi to the central part of town, with accommodations and restaurants.
One of the first things I did was to invite women in my community to join me in this endeavor. My advisory collective includes artists, activists, writers, doctors, teachers, and entrepreneurs who have shared their expertise all along the way. It’s been a joy to get to know each one of them and have their support. We all share the vision that this will be an inspirational gathering of spirituality and female empowerment that will nourish and transform. It’s also important to us that a percentage of the profit will be donated to San Miguel organizations that support women’s education and development. We are drawing from a huge pool of local talent this inaugural year for speakers, circle facilitators, and creative sessions in writing, vision boarding and other collaborative activities.
I’m excited to see this Gathering unfold and gain momentum as we reach out and bring more amazing women along on our visionary path. If you would like to learn more about Calling the Circle: A Sacred Feminine Women’s Gathering, November 7-9, 2022, visit www.sacredfemininecircle.com.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Glen Rogers