[Author’s Note: This restorative yoga practice is designed to facilitate a deeper connection with the womb space. This is Part 2 in the Wild Woman Rise series. This practice should not be undertaken during the first three days of your period. Following this practice regularly over 1-3 months can help to restore your natural cycle and may also help to relieve the symptoms of such conditions as endometriosis and PCOS. This is a helpful, healing routine for those who have become disconnected with the pelvic area for various reasons including past trauma in this space, surgeries, miscarriages, infertility and so forth. All episodes in the series are available to watch on YouTube.]
As a holistic health practitioner, I believe in living life with passion and purpose. I am a big fan of all things wild and free and acknowledge the power of reconnecting with our wildish natures, re-establishing natural cycles, diet, movement and lifestyle. This helps us to live with integrity, intuition and innate intelligence which in turn increases longevity and helps us to live a more fulfilled life.
I believe the connection to the body is sacred. In approximately the year 2014 I began to realize many of the female yoga students with whom I had been working, over the years were able to achieve overwhelmingly transformative, and healing results through a combination of yoga, correct nutrition and somatic therapy. The majority of the women I worked with, many of whom had been experiencing painful or irregular periods were to experience a spontaneous correction of issues related to their monthly cycles. Thus leading to improved health and lifestyle. In addition to my usual work, these experiences led me to develop a style of yoga and healing practices, specifically designed to help women reconnect with their own feminine bodies and the rhythms of nature. These teachings, infused with a combination of shakti yoga, somatic therapy, shamanism and ancient womb wisdom provide the foundations of my work as a healer and the Wild Woman Rise retreats and video series.