The texts we choose for our lives creates the texture, the textile, the fabric with which we clothe ourselves: and each being, each of us, is a triplicity of self, other and all, in every moment.
It is possible to find new ways to tell your/our stories and the stories of the Cosmos, to get “God” off our eyeballs, to sense the “She” of the world and remember Her awesomeness: to understand Her as the Dynamic of Creativity unfolding the Cosmos. Her threefold nature has been storied by various names since earliest of times by the ancients, as they observed the waxing, peaking and waning of all being.
We need sacred stories of our threefold nature:
– of the beautiful unique Self: She is spiritual warrior, Parthenos/Virgin … who knows and acts with Creative Lust for all of life, passionately protecting the flame of Self.

– of She who is in deep relationship and communion with Other: She is Creator/Mother … who has organic power, strength, and deep communion with the web of life.

– of She who directly participates in the Creative Cosmos: She is Old Wise One … who understands change and death, and the awesome sentience permeating all.

The images and stories in our bodyminds may celebrate the Sacred Cosmos unfolding in self, other and in our Earth, in every moment. She may be restored to metaphor for Ultimate Mystery: it is Her/our nature.
As Triple Cosmological Dynamic:
the Young One/Maiden is the Spinner – felt as the Urge to Be, the New Beginning. May She grow virulently in the rich compost. may She protect our tender new skins.
the Mother is the Weaver – felt as the Place to Be, the Sustainer, Creator. May our Creativity be extravagant and exuberant.
the Old Wise One knows when to cut the thread – felt in the creating of Space to Be, the enabling of us to cut the cords. May Her wisdom guide our cutting.
Anything is possible. With our spelling of sacred stories, we can/do right now create the future. We may speak it with authority.

thank you Stanis.
Anything is possible. With our spelling of sacred stories, we can/do right now create the future. We may speak it with authority.