As we prepare for 2023, I can’t help but wonder if we will finally enter the expected post-pandemic. 2021 was as bad as 2020, with lockdowns still in effect and the supply chain disrupted. 2022 saw new variants of Covid arise, and those who had avoided being infected got it. The supply chain still experienced hick-ups; the cost of everything went up by 13% in some cases. In the words of a younger me, “It was three years of suck.”
Burnout was the word of these last few years. We were tired. Emotionally, politically, spiritually, and financially we were drained. We carried on though. Here at Mago, we continued writing our monthly essays. We founded S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies, and though we are still finding our footing, the first two issues have been a success. We have carried on as children of the Goddess, supporting each other and keeping our departments and fields going.
However, I invite us to take a step back these next two weeks and consider how we will proceed in post-pandemic 2023. I do not mean to imply the pandemic is over; most agree that Covid is here to stay for the long term as a new recurring flu each year. But I hope that in 2023 we can adopt a post-pandemic mindset. That we will no longer be focused on the outbreaks, the supply chain will stabilize, and we can start living our lives for the future and no longer be trapped in survival mode.
Instead, let us take this time between Yule and the New Year to think about what Resolutions we can make which will help us spiritually, emotionally, and financially. Spiritually because that is something that we all can work on. Emotionally because almost everyone is burned out in some way. And financially because we live in the real world and life costs more.
Let us resolve, at least for the first month, to explore our spirituality beyond our comfort zone. Look for public rituals held by a local group you are not part of or hosted by a metaphysical shop. And go to it. Participate fully, and meet new people in the real world. Do not just join a Facebook group and then ignore the notifications for years until you finally decide in 2025 to delete them from your feed.
Don’t feel pressured to purchase books or supplies while meeting new groups. This is not the time to dive headlong into the study of deep ritual magic or the path you have been introduced to. Find free Kindle books, go to bookstores lectures, check out their website, or attend a few more rituals and talk to people. See the practice in action and see how the people live their faith.
The financial resolution is part of the spiritual and emotional healing process. Don’t make purchases hoping they will help you, that you will buy that book or crystal, or meditation which will make everything all right. Society and the media tell us that no problem cannot be solved with a purchase. That we need to pay for the right subscription, have the correct membership, and own the perfect crystals, and all will work out. But money cannot buy spiritual fulfillment and probably isn’t needed to supplement it.

Wishing all of you a Joyous Yule and a Happy New Year.
Many Blessings!