I come from a time before time
A time that existed in such
a way that the inhabitants
of this planet understood
things beyond this plane,
things beyond this world
It was a time of learning
and questioning
A time of intuition and the
magic of creative ventures
It was a time I thought would
last forever, a time we thought…
We – the Sisterhood – thought
would last forever
Nestled in our own sacred gnosis
and as a community devoted
to the greatness of the All
This was the time before the deluge
Before division entered our World
and our lives
Before it altered our understanding,
which, if I speak the truth, was the
beginning of our undoing
Bit by bit all we’d created imploded,
as did our island home and our ways of
being and knowing, living and doing
Never again to exist in the time of man
as the mists of time enshrouded
this Holy Isle
In the time of Woman, however…
Now that’s a different dimension and
She has brought home and is bringing home
many of our knowings and ways of being
Ways open for those who come searching
for something they sense was lost
Something they sense once again lives
on this plane available to those seeking
the Magick and the Mystery of the
All of the All of the All
Once more it is the time of the Priestess
The time of Avalon
For as the women are called,
the Mists begin to part and
The Holy Isle is once again visible
to those Seekers pure of heart,
open in mind and steadfast in their
devotion to what most call a myth
What they and we know to be the
truth of the existence of the ages
The truth of the Sacred Isle
The truth of Avalon