(Art) Speak My Name by Glen Rogers

Speak My Name, Monoprint (22in x 15in) by Glen Rogers
Prayer to the Great Mother, Monoprint (22in x 15in) by Glen Rogers

On a trip to Turkey in 2023, I finally got to tour the land of ancient Anatolia. But walking the ruins of Ephesus and other lesser known sites, I was saddened to find the essence of the Great Mother buried deep under layers of patriarchy and religion. Uncovering the Great Mother in Turkey was a serious challenge for me. 

In this series of monoprints, using images I photographed in museums and ancient sites, I felt Her call to Speak My Name: Gaia, Ishtar, Isis, Artemis, Inanna, Aphrodite, Astarte, Hekate, Cybele – the Great Goddess.  Using Xerox transfer and ink on paper, I created artworks that remind us of Her past glory. Having the look of aged documents, these one-of-a-kind prints, Prayer to the Great Mother and Speak My Name, call out to us from an early matriarchal culture and invite us to celebrate the Sacred Feminine.

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