Winter is an interesting time to study, a liminal period of extending darkness and the bitter cold associated with death and the underworld. In the Western mythology that is taught to us, winter is associated with the descent of Persephone into the Underworld and her mother, Demeter, mourning her daughter until she returns in the spring. But there is another lesser-known Goddess associated with winter. One’s who’s attributes are uniquely relevant to our current times.
Cailleach comes from the mythology of Ireland and Scotland and has a close connection with the more well-known Goddess, Brigid. Her name means hag or old woman and is used in the term Cailleach fease, a wise woman. Often depicted with blue skin and missing one eye, she is not the ethereal, youthful beauty depicted in many statues you can buy today. She is the epitome of the crone in modern paganism, signifying the power that comes to a woman as she ages. Cailleach is ancient, but one would never call her weak and withered. She possesses a healthy sex drive, and some myths have her outliving seven of her husbands.
She is a seasonal goddess of winter, holding power from November 1 until February or May 1; after she is done, she turns to stone to await another winter. Unlike the other seasonal goddess stories, such as Demeter, Cailleach is without mercy. She thrusts the world into the bitter, harsh winter, bringing death in many ways, from cold to starvation. Unlike in Greek mythology, she is not anxious for the return of Spring and holds onto the land when Brigid attempts to return each year.
Cailleach is called a “popular and valuable figure in the face of the climate crisis” by folklorist and author Icy Sedgwick. She personifies the wildness and unrelenting power of natural weather phenomena that can cause devastation. Unlike the goddesses seen as embodiments of love or motherhood, she represents the danger of unpredictable weather. But, she is not cruel or vindictive in her actions; instead, she represents the importance of winter in the agricultural cycle, which much of humanity has become isolated from as we moved to cities and lost touch with the land. Winter brings a period of rest for the earth and the farmer, a time to repair tools, hone one’s crafts, and await the birth of new animals.

Climate change is making us more aware of the weather cycle, but for all the wrong reasons. For decades, California had a wildfire season exacerbated by human actions and a misunderstanding of the importance of fire in the natural system. But now, wildfire season is almost a year-round phenomenon, with only a brief period of respite to recover and prepare for the next round of destruction and devastation. It is now flood season in the Pacific Northwest, and the news is filled with images of flooded streets. In the summer, it will be hurricane season in the Eastern part of the US and the return of fire season.
This past summer, my part of the US became very observant of our Air Quality Index, AQI, checking it daily. We changed plans for outings with the students based on whether or not it was safe for them to breathe and be active. As I sit here now in Erie, PA, it was almost 60 degrees Fahrenheit today; when I was a child, we might have already had our first snow day by now. At the same time, we are watching reports of torrential rains and devastating floods hitting the Pacific Northwest, with more heavy rains coming.
The climate is changing; winters are warmer with more rain, while summers are hotter and drier. Storm systems that develop over the oceans are more intense, bringing more significant loss of life and devastation, often to poor communities that are ill-equipped to prepare for the storms or deal with the aftermath. Cailleach is the perfect goddess to oversee this new type of weather cycle. She brings devastation not because she is punishing us but because she represents the weather. This natural phenomenon cannot be tamed nor appeased but has its own place in the natural system of life, destruction, and rebirth.