Sometimes we lie and say, you are not a monster,
Everything they said to me, I said yes back, I said no,
I climbed on a stool to study monsters up close
Oh, I said, it’s true, sometimes you can love a monster too
I said yes, I said no, I stood before them, a composer,
a musical prodigy of wounded sounds
Each melody disguised itself to their growls, hearts of raging
chocolates, flowers in a unique medley of lies
I accepted it all with half-closed eyes
Some lies clapped their hands,
some grew so rough I could not listen,
some too embarrassed to say a thing, they used
an essence of sweet silence, they used
artificial bouquets of blame.
I told them I could dance.
They stopped to watch with suspicion and scorn
I danced on an empty floor,
I danced swiftly into a maze
On good days I danced my own rescue
out heavy doors