On January 7, 2024, Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, left this Earthly plane, and joined the Ancestors. She had turned 100 just four days before.
Her passing is a loss to the women’s spiritualities community; it is also a deeply personal loss to me. She was my friend, my mentor, my Comare (an Italian term meaning godmother or co-mother, signifying close soul connection between women).
I met Lucia in 2001 in Sicily. I had joined her, her husband Wally, and a group of other seekers, for a Dark Mother Study Tour of the island, led by Lucia. We travelled around the island visiting sites sacred to the Dea Madre and her Christian manifestation, the Black Madonna. The adventure changed my life. In 2004, I joined her and Wally, and other like-minded seekers, for a Dark Mother Study Tour of Sardegna.
While I had become cognizant of women’s spiritual traditions when I was in graduate school in the late 1970s, having read Merlin Stone’s When God Was A Woman, and Mary Daly’s Beyond God the Father and Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, as well as other related and similar works, Lucia’s book, The Black Madonnas: Feminism, Religion, and Politics in Italy and Dark Mother: African Origins and Godmothers, expanded my understanding and also connected me to my Italian ancestral pre-Christian traditions.
Lucia opened my heart, mind, and spirit, in profound ways. She invited me into her life, and her home. She wrote blurbs for many of my books, and she always invited me to speak to the women in her classes at CIIS when one of my new books launched. She included my poems in her book, The Future Has an Ancient Heart: Legacy of Caring, Sharing, Healing, and Vision from the Primordial African Mediterranean to Occupy Everywhere and Black Bird and a Pear Tree: The Story of Lucia and Wally 1945-2019. She asked Mary Beth Moser and me to co-edit the third edition of the anthology series she founded: She Is Everywhere, which we gladly and enthusiastically did. Lucia considered the founding of that anthology series to be among her most significant achievements. In an email to me she wrote: “It seems to me that the academic manifestation of women’s spirituality is necessary, but is institutionally limited to academic protocols. We need the continuing voices of all kinds of women and of other people.”
Lucia was a sheltering tree, a High Priestess, a loving presence in the world. She often said she learned so much from her students, and she always empowered them to pursue their paths and follow their hearts.
I was honored to be among the women in her circle of scholars, writers, artists, and visionaries whom she called Comare. People loved her because of the deep and rich ways she supported them and how she widened the circle, inviting them into the ongoing conversation. Her heart was as vast as her intellect. Many times I had the feeling that she was channeling amazing things from the Dark Mother source. It has always heartened me to know that she was cherished by so many people, both at CIIS, where she taught for many years, and around the world.
In my humble opinion, Lucia was one of the best teachers I have ever had because she empowered her students to dig deep and live the questions and trust their gut and their hearts.
She was a deep well of knowledge and wisdom…and joy…and I love how she continued to help shift the paradigm away from the patriarchal model of power over to the matriarchal model of co-creation and empowerment. While she clearly held her presence as a mentor in the classroom and as an authority on the subject she was teaching, she also managed to hold a space for equality and co-creation of ideas, sharing of information and thoughts and experiences. In my experience, that is a very, very, very rare combination. I have learned so much from Lucia and I have been inspired to continue to do my own searching, learning, writing and teaching as a result.
In her academic career and in the ways she interacted with people in the world, she primed the conduit channel for many years with her scholarship and books. She has joined the Ancestors now—the Ancestors who are asking for our help to help the world, remember their wisdom. As she so eloquently noted, the future has an ancient heart. She was part of that band of seekers/seers who came to the planet to help the world remember that there will be no future unless and until we as a species can remember and honor and listen to our ancient heart.
I loved her dearly and respected her beyond measure. She was a gift to the planet…and to those fortunate enough and blessed to know and love her. Comare extraordinaire, you will live forever in my heart. May we all continue to move forward, inspirited and inspired by one another to do our work in the world and to continue her immeasurable legacy.
Rest in Power, dear Lucia. Ti voglio bene.