[Editor’s Note: This conversation series is a spinoff of the anthology, Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess, published by Mago Books in 2023. Alison Newvine, as a contributor to the anthology, has organized this and upcoming interviews with other contributors from it.]
Today we are kicking off a new project in the ever-evolving and expanding world of Mago Works. “Intercosmic Kinship Conversations” is a series of heart-centered exchanges exploring how the themes of interconnectedness and intercosmic consciousness weave through the lives of some of the contributors to the recent Mago Books anthology, “Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess.”
This project was seeded in my psyche as I was reading the chapter, “Awakening and Expanding Our Deep Memory of We” by Beth Raps. I felt a strong resonance with her commitment to living in harmony with nature and her articulation of the challenge of embodying these values in the face of distressing situations, such as a flea infestation, which she discusses in her piece. I was intrigued by her approach of communicating with the fleas rather than taking the conventional route of fumigation. I found myself curious about how her commitment to honoring life has evolved, so it felt intuitive to reach out to Beth for this inaugural conversation.
In our discussion, Beth shares an early memory of finding her inclination toward communicating with the natural world mirrored back to her in a way that validated and normalized this capacity. We delve into the concept of “embattled consciousness” as it manifests in our relationships with the natural world and one another. She shares her successes and failures with the process of addressing insect infestation through interspecies communication, highlighting the role of persistence, trust and ongoing self-examination.
I entered this conversation with a sincere admiration for Beth and how she embodies her values in her work and life. Over the course of our exchange, I felt in my own being what I can only describe as a clarity within her energetics. She embodies both a humility and an anchored sense of self that translates to an almost oceanic comfort in her presence. I came away from the conversation feeling like I had reconnected with a long lost relative. I’m left with a sense of eager curiosity for the unfolding of these connections as we all explore our sacred kinship.