Misty Suonetar, cosmic weaver of eternity, is related to Ilman Impi and the Creatrix figures of primal beginnings. Sometimes we encounter her sitting on a rainbow weaving on her loom, with a spittle in her hand, sometimes she visits her kin folk Tuulikki, maiden of Air or Suvetar and Päivätär, goddesses of the luminaries of light.
The beauteous woman Suonetar, the lovely spinner of the veins, on a splendid spinning-wheel, on a copper spindle-shank, on the top of a golden stool, at the end of an iron bench, she knotted up the veins and the threads prepared with magic words. Later she was transformed into a Christianized Anni-Suonetar, Saint Anni, gracious maid, the beauteous maiden of the veins, who span a ruddy thread, with buzzing sound, a thread of blue, with busy hands of a thread of black, on a copper spindle with silver whorl, on an iron spinning-wheel.