“Hare Protector” by ANDREA REDMOND, featured artist for this project
INVITATION to the artists in our Mago circle to join me in co-creating a video slideshow highlighting Goddess artwork. I am looking for high resolution photos of your original paintings, drawings, sculpture (no photography please) depicting the divine as you see and experience Her.
The artwork will be set against the backdrop of my song, “Muse,” a piece very near and dear to my heart. I began writing this song in November 2020 as I was losing my ability to play guitar due to chronic pain. My band (Spiral Muse, a feminist Goddess folk rock group) and I had not been able to make music together for many months due to the pandemic and I was beginning to feel like I’d never write another song again. The beginnings of this piece were eeked out before I put down the guitar for six long months, physically unable to play and fearing I would never pick it up again. When I resumed work on this song in June of 2021, one band member was in the process of moving across the country and those of us remaining were figuring out how to move forward without her. The song evolved to reflect the journey of learning to accept change and loss in order to allow the Muse to be reborn within us. Two years after completing this song, we were able to record this piece, along with others, with the band member who had moved away, adding another dimension to the theme of Muse Rebirthing.
My experience of connecting with the Mago Community has also been one of creative rebirthing. It feels organic and aligned to weave together a celebration of the abundance of creativity within this community with this particular piece of music.
If you’d like to feel into this further, here is a link to the song on Spotify, or youtube if you don’t have Spotify, and the lyrics can be found here, just scroll down until you see “Muse.” For a sense of how I craft these types of videos, an example can be found here. This example video uses stock photos, thus there are no artist credits at the end. You all would, of course, be fully credited in the video credits and in the video description, where I’d also be happy to include one web or social media link for each artist.
I look forward to hearing from those of you who feel called to this co-creation. Contact me at alisonnewvine@gmail.com.