Here is what I wrote about this inaugural conference in preparation for my conversation during the plenary roundtable conversation which opens the conference:
The S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference, a younger sister born with the anticipation to aid the S/HE journal, takes the form of an academic conference. Researchers, scholars, and scholars-to-be are welcome and encouraged to present their research results. The S/HE Conference is here to animate our intellectual capacity. We intend to cultivate our collective intellectuality beyond the arena of academia. We have workshops and other sessions to teach participants in a non-academic method, which is equally important and effective. Without an intellectual cultivation, one’s spirituality falls to the practice of “belief,” which is a second-handed knowing. We are summoned here to think, feel, and change collectively for the better. Without self-motivated learning, one can repeat what she is told to do or to say. Our lives on the planet Earth are taking place within the complex but orderly web of the Matriverse. There is so much to learn and ponder about the matter of living as a human being.
That said, one may ask what “S/HE” means. “S/HE” is a pronoun coined to address the bio-ontological-epistemological root of ALL, the Cosmic Mother. Precisely, S/HE refers to Mago, the East Asian name for the Creatrix. Mago is the Matriversal Home for ALL, organic and inorganic entities in the matriverse (maternally perceived universe). I hold that Goma’s Magoist Cetaceanism (the matriversal consciousness of Mago, the Creatrix, founded on the veneration of Whales as the exemplar of the planetary leader for pre- and proto-patriarchal Shaman Queen Mothers) is the soteriological legacy for all people from the pre-patriarchal Mother World. Discourse of Mago restores the lost tongue of the Great Mother.
Let us allow the language of Great Unity to speak through us! Let us open our eyes to see the Matriversal Reality wherein new beings are born, grow, and transform ever-presently by way of the Cosmic Music!
The S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference marks a new beginning for us all in the Reality of WE/HERE/NOW, the Mago Community.
If you have been with the Mago Community for the last few years or months, you may have seen that the Mago Work has evolved by leaps and bounds. The Mago Work has steadily and fast evolved for the last 13 years. You may be curious what propels me to move ceaselessly forward with the Mago Work. The power of my research on Magoism or Magoist Cetaceanism (the latest form of my research) has taken me to this far and still leads me to somewhere. My consciousness of Mago, the Creatrix, unfolded through my research, has been the driving force of my life. I am grateful for you who have come near me and shared your gifts with me. Some of you have shown me bountiful support and deep sisterly love, which is beautiful.
I dare to state my life’s call for myself and for ALL: I am here to show how matriversal soteriology works for ALL in and through the Mago Community. Rooted in the intercosmic kinship of ALL, our voyage charts out into the Archaic Future, ever luring but unknown for moderns. When we are awakened to the interdependent and complex system of LIFE in ALL (organic and inorganic entities), we have a glimpse of the Reality of WE/HERE/NOW. I did not know how my life’s call was realized. And I still do not know how it will be realized.
While the S/HE Conference is the latest development of The Mago Work, there are two special aspects of it I want to underscore:
First, I envision the S/HE Conference as a meeting place for Mago Community Members (Mago Work volunteers, readers, authors, and supporters). The S/HE Conference is designed to serve as the venue for us to meet and interact with each other, while sharing our thoughts, emotions, and visions. In truth, the S/HE Conference is a revival of the historical conference of Magoist Luminaries, originating from the third millennium BCE. By doing the S/HE Conference annually, we intend to isolate the patriarchal compartmentalized state of living from us and ALL.
Second, the Conference inaugurates Mago Community by way of fundraising through the volunteer fundraisers who seek donations for the S/HE Conference. That is, the S/HE Conference has become a locus for the Mago Community to take root on a solid ground in the long run. These volunteer fundraisers invite every Mago Community member to join them as members who also give financially in the measure of their means to the Community. This is something new in the 13-year history of The Mago Work. Through just the short period of the current crowdfunding campaign, I have begun to realize that the practice of fundraising can strengthen the Mago Community to become self-sufficient through its members.
I appreciate Beth Raps who courageously and generously volunteered to undertake the crowdfunding campaign as a way to help out the S/HE Conference. She put out a call that Rebecca Whenham has answered as our deeply appreciated (volunteer) Fundraising Apprentice.
I invite you to this alchemical evolution: You can register for the S/HE Conference and/or donate to the crowdfunding campaign.