From the deep vein of memory
my blood sings your name
my bones recall the seed
from which all things began
planted in the ochre chambers of caves
the curvaceous lips of conches
the generous mouths of sustaining rivers
the feathered limbs of ravens, owls, heron, swans
the inviolable trunks of ancient oaks and
olive trees, cyprus, almond, fig
persimmon, lemon, coconut
the scent of lavender and rue
the sweetness of saffron, rosemary, honey
the shimmering bodies of salmon
perch, tuna, rainbow trout
the ebony arc of the orca’s dorsal fin
the vibrant dust of distant stars
the dark universe of cosmic consciousness
the mother lode of cellular memory
as clear as a diamond, as shimmering as an opal
that menstrual chamber of life
unfurls like a fern’s frond
newly born in spring
Oh Mary – so beautiful!