(Book Review) Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso’s The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Divine Feminine Power For Personal Healing and Planetary Awakening by Mary Saracino

The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Divine Feminine Power For Personal Healing and Planetary Awakening, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, PhD (Bear & Company, July 2024); https://www.innertraditions.com/books/the-secret-life-of-mother-mary

 Reviewed by Mary Saracino

Marguerite Rigoglioso’s most recent book, The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Divine Feminine Power For Personal Healing and Planetary Awakening, is not the Catholic version of the Blessed Virgin Mother that most people are familiar with. She is definitely not the Blessed Virgin Mary I knew of growing up Catholic in the 1950s and 1960s.

Rigoglioso’s depiction of Mary is noncanonical, subversive (in a positive way), and decidedly anything but the submissive, passive patriarchal receptacle promoted in Christian theology. Rigoglioso contends that Mary was an active player in the conception, birthing, and rearing of Jesus. She was also his mentor, teaching him all he knew about ministering to people, performing miracles, etc. And after his death, she played a primary and active role with the apostles.

Rigoglioso is the world’s foremost authority on the history of virgin birth and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the United States and United Kingdom. The founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School, she is the author of several books, including The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births (Bear & Company, 2021), Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity (Palgrave MacMillian, 2010) The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), and her PhD dissertation, Bearing the Holy Ones: A Study of the Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece (California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 2007).

In The Secret Life of Mother Mary, this revelatory understanding of Mary is presented in seven chapters: Why Mother Mary Is Worth Rediscovering, Mary’s Remothering of Me, Mary as a Conscious Priestess of Divine Birth, The Power of Mary’s Holy Womb Chakra—and Yours, Mary as Healer, Mentor, and Women’s Champion, Mary’s Full Ascension to Divinity, and Mary’s Connection to the Subtle Angelics of Nature.

Rigoglioso’s book is steeped in extensive cross-cultural, multidisciplinary research (citing, among others, Sri Kaleshwar, Cindy Lindsay, Ally Kateusz, Maximus, and Rudolph Steiner). The book is also rooted in the author’s deep spiritual practice and her psychic/channeling abilities. She brings to light earlier versions of the Gospels that are not part of the Catholic Canon, including the Gospel of Bartholomew, the Gospel of Philip, the Infancy Gospel of James/Birth of Mary, the Gospel of Mary [Magdalene], and the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew.

Rigoglioso writes: “What we learn in all of these lesser-known sacred texts about Mary, then, is that she was a tremendously influential, tremendously spiritu­ally adept, and tremendously powerful holy woman” (p. 79).

In The Secret Life of Mother Mary, Rigoglioso notes that Mary:  “… is hardly the passive girl who allowed the Divine to have its way with her, as we’ve been brought up to accept. This is a mature woman with gumption, courage, intelligence, and leadership capacities that we’ve never been told about” (p. 78).

This Blessed Virgin Mary is a direct manifestation of the Divine Mother. The term, virgin, is applied with the understanding that it refers to a woman unto herself; inviolable, sovereign, a divinely born avatar. Rigoglioso notes that Mary was a priestess, a master of Divine Love and the Womb Mysteries. Her name, Mary, is a moniker for her status as such. Rigoglioso writes:  “As we have learned, the very name that was passed down to us as Mary probably comes from the Egyptian Meri, an honorific priestess title that meant ‘beloved of, loving, lover, and the one who is loving’” (p. 126).

Through the power of the Holy Womb Chakra, Mary was a priestess initiated into the Divine Mysteries. Thus empowered, she gave birth, parthenogenetically to Jesus (my understanding of parthenogenesis is that a woman would give birth to a female, but here, obviously that is not the case). This was made possible by using sacred medicine or herbs designed to help open her awareness to the interdimensional realms, so she could manifest an Avatar.

 Mary was also parthenogenetically conceived by her mother Anne. Rigoglioso tells us that, from the age of six months, Mary was tended by virgin priestesses and she continued her early life with them in the temple. Rigoglioso also discusses how Elizabeth, Anne’s sister and Mary’s aunt, was a supportive mentor to Mary when she was in the early stages of her pregnancy with Jesus (p. 75).

Rigoglioso notes: “This…helps us recognize to a greater degree than ever before how Mary is an intimate champion of humanity’s healing and spiritual awakening. She encourages the expansion of consciousness far beyond what is typically thought possible in ordinary third-dimensional life. Indeed, she is all about helping people to achieve their own God/dess Self (p. 125).

In addition to being steeped in scholarship, the book’s seven chapters, provide a spiritual primer for those interested in deepening their understanding of and relationship to the noncanonical Mary with integration activities and information on how to access guided online meditations. Rigoglioso invites readers to keep a Mary Journal to chronicle their experiences of Mary and their thoughts and feelings about this spiritual endeavor, …guiding them on an experiential and intellectual journey.

Thus, Rigoglioso’s book is as much a personal endeavor as an academic (historical/herstorical) exploration and revelation of who and what Mary the mother of Jesus was and is to the author and to the world/Earth.

Ultimately, Rigoglioso’s book exponentially expands the traditional understanding of Mother Mary. Her revelations will broaden your understanding—if not outright blow your mind. After reading this intriguing and information-rich book, you will never see Mother Mary in the same way again.

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