“I felt a long-lost part of me was being restored — that I was connecting to the deepest core of my being and finding power and strength beyond anything I had experienced. It bubbled up within me and turned my perception of our cultural mores upside-down. My foundational beliefs had been pried up just enough to allow me to access the vast and fecund psychic terrain beneath. I discovered the archetype of the Goddess.”
The Remembering
My heart is singing a song I have never heard,
yet it is deeply familiar.
The melody gambols like glistening sunlight
on the river of my tears.
Sweet delicate notes.
I listen.
The strength of the sound
builds to symphonic rapture,
lifts my spirit,
tickles my feet to dancing
and washes away my defeat.
She courses through me, freeing me.
Her voice becomes the music of my life.
From the new book, “In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance” by Dale Allen