I am/We are/She is, the Ancient One, the Transformation of the Ages by Glenys Livingstone

Each morning as part of my Triple Goddess Breath Meditation, at the conclusion of my morning exercise/yoga routine, I remember: I am the Ancient One. I always say this with my hands crossed over my upper body, and in recent times I have felt moved to pause there, feeling moved by my understanding of this, and perhaps wanting more time to contemplate this, before moving on to the next sentence and posture.

Perhaps it is that I have entered into the Elder phase of my life, so my personal story more clearly meshes with the transpersonal story, the larger story in which I participate, and in which I have participated, as I see it now with more perspective: that is, this small personal I now more clearly joins and recognises the larger We, both of whom have only ever been the large She, who is All. It has always been so, but with the turning into the final phase of life, and thus the return to Her comes nearer, I feel it to be so: this ancientness and infinite transformations in every cell of my bodymind, and the personal memories stored like fossils in the layers.

The true age of each being was expressed, and felt by me, when I heard  Australian molecular biologist Darryl Reanney speak of his own true age as he showed images of his young self and the Cosmos, and then he described: “ten percent of your bodymind which is hydrogen, is a direct result of the Original Flaring Forth, when all hydrogen was made. The Origin is present right here within you. And all the rest – carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavier elements – was born in stars. All this recycled many times over.”[i]

As the ancients in my tradition knew: there is nothing we have not been. That is comforting in some way. I cannot possibly comprehend it, so I rest in the awe and not-knowing.

I am/She is/we are, the Transformation of the Ages. This is a name for Her – the Old One, whom we all are. We are each in fact as old as She.


[i]  From an experiential paper he gave at The Climbing River Foundation conference in Melbourne in 1990. This quote is now part of what I name as the “Turas Experience” – a walking meditation I developed to introduce PaGaian Cosmology, noted in A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos, p.132-134.


Livingstone, Glenys. A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos: Celebrating Her within PaGaian Sacred Ceremony. Girl God Books: Bergen, Norway, 2023.

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