After a summer break, I’m happy to bring to you the fourth installment in the Intercosmic Kinship Conversation series, a spinoff of the anthology Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of Goddess (CIKG). This interview is with Claire Dorey, an artist, writer, curator, Reiki master and cold water swimmer with an interest in feminist history, Goddess, and feminist spirituality. She studied feminist textiles and fine art at university and began exploring and writing about Goddess culture during the pandemic.

(Available at Mago Bookstore)
Her piece in CIKG, is titled, Chalking the Eyes in Search of She Who Spins, analyzes the possibilities and maybes of the origin of certain Pictish symbols, and how they relate to the divine cosmic female. In her piece, she cross references these symbols with sky maps, cosmic motion, sacred geometry and symbolism in other cultures and various mythologies, where similarities arise. Her piece also includes original artwork that illustrate these concepts and understandings.
We begin by talking briefly about Claire’s education and feminist art influences. Then Claire defines for us the terms in the title of her piece “She Who Spins,” and “Chalking the Eyes.” We explore her unique artistic process and look at some of her artwork before diving into a subject matter close to both of our hearts — the underworld.

We talk about the underworld as both a place and a state and explore how this connects to grief, the topic of an anthology Claire recently co-edited with Trista Hendren and Pat Daly. This anthology, Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess was released this summer by Girl God Books.
Claire and I also discuss the upcoming event S/HE Divine Studies Forum being held online on September 7th. This event highlights some of the pieces in the “Wounded Feminine” anthology and centers around the theme, “Mourn the Blockage of Matriversal Blessing.” This event is a coming together of two worldwide Goddess communities, Mago and Girl God Books. Claire is organizing this event along with Helen Hye-Sook Hwang and Trista Hendren.
Claire also gives goes in depth on one of the pictish symbols that inspired both her artwork and her piece in CIKG. Claire has an astounding intuitive, associative mind and can feel into the unseen and translate what she sees through art and word. Her multimedia creations are are journey through symbol and psyche. It was a joy to talk with yet another dazzling and brilliant sister and I hope you can join us both on September 7th as we Grieve with Goddess and unlock the mysteries of Matriversal Blessing.