(Meet Mago Contributor) Stephanie Mines, Ph.D.

Dr. Stephanie Mines is the author of five books that reflect over three decades of research as a neuroscientist. She has investigated shock and trauma as a survivor, a professional, a clinical researcher, and healthcare provider. Her nonprofit The TARA Approach is instrumental in the systemic change she promotes as a Regenerative Health paradigm. Dr. Mines also developed Climate Change & Consciousness to facilitate inner transformation for grounded climate action. Climate Change & Consciousness serves an international and intergenerational community of visionary activists. In addition, Dr. Mines is an award-winning poet. Her poetry has been published in anthologies and in chapbooks. Dr. Mines’ latest books are The Secret of Resilience: Healing Personal and Planetary Trauma Through Morphogenesis, and The Great Physician: Medicinal Poetry for the Anthropocene.

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1 thought on “(Meet Mago Contributor) Stephanie Mines, Ph.D.”

  1. On Reinvigorating….(Stephanie Mines) Wonderful essay! If there is one idea that still infuriates me it’s this one: That something was and is wrong with me… how much of my precious life have I wasted on being different and feeling isolated because of trauma. Not being able to stay attached to my senses (that came to life in nature) was the source of my disconnection. Nature always demonstrated that I was part of a greater whole but although I found comfort there and still do – more so now than ever – I couldn’t believe what my body knew. Eventually, my indigenous roots (? – I was brought up as a westerner) self reflection, scholarship, my deep love for and attachment to nature and my determination to love the body I lived in liberated me. I was conditioned to believe that there was something wrong with me when all along… “There was something terribly wrong with the systems that defined and labeled us.” If there is any hope for survival of humanity it will come from learning how to live on the earth from Indigenous peoples… of this much I am sure. They have always recognized that they are one being in the presence of many – no distinction is made between human and non -human beings and these people are still attached to the rest of nature as their primary Teacher(s) … the original life-time learners… I think those of us who seek the goddess are finding their way back because the goddess is nature ( both female and male).

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