(Interview) Harriet Ellenberger by Jack Dempsey, Ph.D.


Harriet Ann Ellenberger (a.k.a. Harriet Desmoines) was born in the American Midwest and moved to Canada at age 40 to continue her powerful writings in prose and poetry, rooted in feminist and lesbian letters, theatre, community and activism. A co-founder of the still-strong journal “Sinister Wisdom” and co-editor of “Trivia” for years, Harriet’s works sustain her as “liberation from silence and despair”—and every page of this lifetime collection, “The Ones You Love: Poetry & Prose 1968-2024,” demonstrates her contention that “Consciousness is our greatest strength.” This has always placed Harriet—a contemporary of late poets/historians Barbara Mor (“The Great Cosmic Mother”), Susan Griffin (“Pornography & Silence: Culture’s Revenge Against Nature”), and feminist Adrienne Rich (“Diving Into The Wreck”)—at the cutting edge of joyful creative resistance to the would-be permanent War State we call patriarchy (the rule of numbskull men, an only-recent invention in human evolution). Her poetic roots and sustenance derive from her extraordinary ability to listen to Nature in all its Earthly, animal and human forms and transmute their healing wisdom into language that anybody can access. By turns deeply serious, passionately erotic, boldly political and wryly funny, Ellenberger is determined to bypass the ruins of “publishing” and wants to share this work with everybody—for free! Contact her at: akadesmoines@gmail.com for a copy, or contact interviewer Dr. Jack Dempsey at jpd37@hotmail.com. From her “Fifteen Reasons I Don’t Want to Work”: “#1: I don’t have time.” That alone should tell you that, in Harriet’s collected work here, you’re in for a spiritual feast!

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