When I was little,
my mother bought me a Golden Book,
and each night we read the story
that repeated the words,
“Nobody knows but the old black crows.”
Crows know everything
because they eat everything.
Crows bring good luck,
especially in travel.
I ask it be a world-wise crow
who calls me to the other way.
— Harriet Ann Ellenberger (1992)
Author’s Note: Having contributed to Return to Mago since its inception, and believing as I do in the Mago Work, it gives me great pleasure to announce here my new e-book, The Ones You Love: Poetry and Prose 1968-2024.
I want my e-book to be distributed as a gift along friendship networks. You can receive your copy by writing me directly at Harriet Ellenberger akadesmoines@gmail.com. Please tell any of your friends you think might be interested. Thanks.