For too long you’ve been put down Make the world turn upside down To lift you up to holy ground. Don’t forget to grab your crown You are Goddess, a queen, a lover A daughter, a sister, a mother Sacred womb of all creation
a Celebration Image and likeness of the Divine,
Woman Shine Sunrise from night,
bring your colors, bring your light
Mother of us All, Sacred Feminine Inside all women and all men
Image and Likeness of the Divine The world is turning The tide is changing Wash away suppression woman Open-up expression When woman is hurting,
all humanity cries, buried inside Your healing heals us all, stand tall Lift us all Take your loving power Not power-over, pushing someone else down Grab you Crown Power to see that everyone thrives Every girl, every boy, everyone alive When we see you as holy We are whole Rising up from history Tell us now of herstory We all write this together We can make it better Image and likeness of the Divine,
Woman Shine Sunrise from night,
bring your colors, bring your light
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