(Intercosmic Kinship Conversations) Revealing and Reweaving Our Spiralic Herstory with Glenys Livingstone by Alison Newvine

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Glenys Livingstone for the fifth episode of Intercosmic Kinship Conversations. Glenys Livingstone PhD was born and lives in Australia where she has facilitated seasonal ceremony for decades, taught classes and mentored apprentices. She has published four books with Girl God Books and contributed to numerous GGB and Mago anthologies. Her work fuses the indigenous traditions of Old Europe with scientific theory, feminism and a poetic relationship with place. Her chapter of our anthology, “Celebrating the Triple Spiral: a PaGaian Cosmology” discusses the omnipresence of spiral symbology, and in particular triple spiral motifs, that appear across Western Europe dating back to the Ice Age.

(Available at Mago Bookstore)

When I first read Glenys’s chapter, I was intrigued by the Creative Triplicity she describes, weaving together Thomas Berry’s concept of the three features of cosmogenesis- Differentiation, Communion and Autopoeisis, with the Maiden-Mother-Crone triplicity we in the world of Goddess Studies know well. I asked her to speak in depth on these subjects as well as the wheel of the year, another concept she has made her own and discusses in the CIKG chapter and her own books. We also talk about her second chapter in CIKG “Mooncourt: Goddess Ceremonial Space.” It was touching to hear the story of how Goddess Studies and personal and community practice led to the development of a physical space to hold these seasonal celebrations. The cycle of creating, sustaining and destroying is illustrating through Glenys’s journey with Mooncourt.

During our interview, Glenys shares images of her PaGaian Wheel of the Year and the gorgeous ceremonial space of Mooncourt. She also leads through the Triple Goddess Breath meditation she developed and regularly practices.

Glenys has gifted generations to come with our reclaimed and rewoven history by elucidating the relationship between science and the work of other feminist foremothers such as Marija Gimbutas, Charlene Spretnak and Starhawk. Her numerous youtube videos invite you into ceremonial space and provide guidance for PaGaian seasonal and sacred feminine practices. It was an honor to sit with such an accomplished and knowledgable wise woman for whom the delight of the dance of being is so clearly alive in how she speaks, moves and smiles.

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