Ode to My Love by Dale Allen

My love

As the world turns on its axis, day and night 

As our earth orbits its elliptical turn away from the sun into the beautiful season of autumn, in our blessed little solar system, midway from the center of our galaxy

Among trillions of galaxies 

Your love is 

Constant, true, pure, beautiful 

Like the one constant harmonic of love that pervades the universe and our nurturing home

The one constant vibration where everyone who ever was, and ever will be, sings

My love

Do you hear the delightful songs being sung for you?

While I revel at the blessing you are to me – to we

With each blessed sunrise and sunset

With each blessed orbit of our circular walks to the shore and home

With each new experience that life is

Here you are – constant, true, pure, beautiful

The harmonic sounds sweet

The songs fill us

I join in the chorus

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