Music nestles deeply in many of our hearts. As Winter Solstice approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, I offer you this Utterly Eclectic Constellation of Yuletide Ballads, ReImagined Carols and Unique takes on Traditional Tunes. This playlist includes Pagan Yuletide chants and ballads as well as traditional holiday melodies with reworked, Goddess-inspired lyrics. The middle portion of the playlist explores the depths of winter, darkness and the unknown. There are also some conventional songs sung by artists with strong Pagan and/or alternative spirituality leanings such as Loreena McKennit, Alanis Morissette and Sinead O’Connor. For our beloved southern hemisphere sisters and siblings, there is a Summer Solstice Playlist available as well.
If you are feeling a desire for a community sing-along that weaves together the nostalgia of the holidays with Sacred Feminine principles and ideals, please join us via zoom on Tuesday December 17th at 4pm PST for Solstice Carols with the Goddess: A Divine Feminine Sing Along and Concert. Come sing with us to ground yourself in peace, healing, joy, and community as we head into Winter Solstice! We will be joined by Trista Hendren of Girl God Books, my band Spiral Muse and several Goddess oriented musicians, who will lead us in Solstice Carols and songs centered on the Sacred Feminine. Our Concert/Sing-along is donation-based and will be recorded and sent to everyone who has registered.
Included on the Winter Solstice playlist is the newest release from Spiral Muse, Longing for Her Rebirth, a tribute to the late Rev. Jann Aldredge Clanton, Feminist Christian scholar and author who rewrote hundreds of traditional Christian hymns to reflect Sacred Female values and visions. Spiral Muse will be leading this song live during the Solstice Carols event next week. Lyrics below honor Sophia, divine emanation of wisdom, and are written by Jann Aldredge Clanton and sung to the tune of “Coventry Carol.”
Our weary world in anguish cries, longing for Her rebirth
We yearn to bring Sophia nigh, longing for Her rebirth
When will Her peace and love increase? When will all know Her worth?
Sophia yearns to help us learn wisdom for Her rebirth
For ages long, Sophia’s song rings out through all the earth
We seek today Her peaceful way, longing for Her rebirth
Wisdom Sophia helps us see everyone’s sacred worth
With voices strong we sing Her song, longing for Her rebirth!