If you listen closely
you can hear Her beating heart.
Her uterine blood
bathes the cosmos in possibilities.
We are of Her
and from Her,
the great womb of life
for every being,
every breath,
every blessed connection.
We are One in Her
infinite wisdom.
Together we fly
through the night sky,
soar past dazzling stars
and blazing suns.
Anointed with stardust,
we sing with the whales
dance with the planets,
embrace the moon,
burn bright with the comets,
recognize and celebrate
our kinship with
all plants and animals
great and small.
We are all birthed from
the soul of the Matriverse,
born into the unfathomable
love She exudes.
We will return to Her
embrace when we die,
coming home to dwell in the cave
of Her generous heart
at long, long last,
the All in the We
perfectly whole,
united and free.
© 2024 Mary Saracino