A sacred practice as old as the hills themselves, the creation of a Mandala allows you to sift through the debris of your subconscious mind, to uncover the jewels buried within. It supports you in joining the threads of your inner wisdom and intuition to your conscious reality through a creative, meditative process.
Mandala practice can gently open a portal to the Great Goddess, allowing your creative energy to flow through the fibres of your life. Lifting away the density and masks that we may have worn as a protective mechanism in this distorted society, it supports us in awakening our Feminine energy once again. It’s meditative process is a gift, allowing us to peer inside our inner realms, rousing what has been unconsciously keeping us separate from our Divinity.
Through nurturing yourself with this healing tool, you’ve given yourself a sacred practice that you can return to time and again, when you need support from the benevolent and loving Universal energies. Allowing yourself the time and space to create in this way, can realign you to oneness with all that is.