(Music) She is Here by Alison Newvine

As we move into this next cycle of time, in which the forces of patriarchal violence attempt to keep us in chokeholds, we raise our voices up in song. Collectively, we will not be silenced and we will not be broken.

The re-release of Spiral Muse’s first album, She Is Here, this past November offers a bundle of prayers for the times ahead. Prayers calling out to Goddess, searching for Her, beseeching Her to hear our cries for justice and an end to violence. Prayers that sing her praises, that exclaim Her rising, Her omnipresence and Her love. Prayers that simply rest in her presence and allow us to be enveloped by She Who Is.

Six thousands years She has been discarded

This is the century of Her rebirth

If we only knew Her power

She is arising inside of you

“She Will Arise” Alison Newvine

Claire Dorey “Goddess Rising”

Mother teach me to be like you

When I can’t even breathe for fear, oh help me to remember

I am here

Because you loved me I have life

You formed me from the Earth and the sea and the sky

A perfect child in your eyes

Oh Mother teach me to love as you do.

With everything, with everything I am

And your love, your love is all I’ll ever need, if you’ll take my hand

I’ll live as you created me to be

“Amma” Kathleen Joan Neville-Shinn

Grandmother wise, you are watching

Your hands and your eyes are upon us

Like the child in your arms we are listening

Patient and loving you guide us

Let flow from our depths what’s been waiting

This ancient power within us

Sustaining, destroying, creating

We radiate love and justice

“Paint Us Into Being” Alison Newvine

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