If you close your eyes
can you remember a time before
the wars began
when love prevailed
and compassion reigned,
when justice ruled beside mercy?
There was no need for guns
or bombs, swords or cannons.
No need for lines drawn in the sand
for edicts or proclamations of might.
Breathe deeply
and you might recall
a time when saner hearts prevailed
when hatred failed
to separate us from one another
when children
weren’t slaughtered
for some unholy cause.
We must remember—and soon
if we are to end
the ugly carnage
end the madness of conquest
silence the illusions
that cloud our eyes.
If we try, we can still
sing songs of freedom
hear the laughter of peace
reclaim our birthright
of connection,
celebrate our common hopes
support our common dreams
dance into our
ever-expanding future
for you
for me, for every
living being
To Mary and the magnificent poem – A Time Before The wars – this exquisite poem – oh – I used to be able to go into the woods and feel that time – getting harder and harder – Thank you Mary, thank yoju