[Editor’s Note: This poem was included in the journal, S/HE: An International Journal of Goddess Studies (Vol 3 No 2, 2024).]

Open wide the rusty hinges of
the doors to a universe hidden
eons by the thorny crown, the dripping blood,
the anguished cries of a sacrificed god.
Myriads of stars, adorned in silver
gossamer gowns, wisp passed
our still cringing eyes, blinking
their eternal sighs upon our brows.
Planets swirl our dazzled minds,
determined to awaken us;
and from the grey, half determined imagination
of the collective unconscious
From the genetic memory of the ages,
A Soul, long unknown, comes forth:
A Spirit of regeneration,
Born in the Boukoleion.
Nineteen, count them, once more,
Form an undulating wave,
Pulsating celestial energy
Around Her daunting figure.
Nineteen, see them, orbs of light;
And from their gracious midst,
The Goddess, our Soul awakened,
Presents from the Womb of the Moon,
From the eternal lunar light of
Reincarnating the sacrosanct,
the Sacred Horns of the Bull,
Burcrania of Tarvos Trigaranus.
Bless this Tarbfeis,
This feast with the Butterflies of change,
Flourish of the Goddess,
New reason to sacrifice, new reason
to openly welcome the cycles of eternal time
into our lives once again.