Creatrix Studies as a field of study? Such thought did not dawn on me for my research and advocacy on Ceto-Magoism (the Whale-guided Way of the Creatrix) until the second half of last year (2024). Is the term “Creatrix” a taboo subconsciously in modern minds? “Creatrix” is not treated in not only academia but also in the general discourse of Goddesses or female deities. Nonetheless, it is too transparent to deny that in the beginning there was a mother in that a father is not the one who procreates alone. When an entity procreates, we call her mother. All species begin from the first mother. We may call the first mother of all species the Creatrix. And the Creatrix is the Source of ALL including humans (male and female) and inorganic beings. There is no question that Creatrix Studies should be about the First Mother.
I began to use the term, Creatrix Studies, right after the first inaugurating S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference in June 2024. I have been using “S/HE” to mean the Cosmic Mother and the Creatrix. I began using “the Creatrix” for Mago consciously some years ago. For Mago is both the Cosmic Mother (when S/HE is perceived as a divine person) and the Creatrix (when S/HE is perceived as the Source of ALL). S/HE is both personal and impersonal. S/HE is not anthropocentric. S/HE is impartial to ALL. As such, Mago is perceived as the Cosmic Mother (Halmi 할미 meaning Great Mother) and the Creatrix (Haneul 하늘 meaning Heaven). Modern Koreans still call out “Heaven” at a time of crises or death. And I have shown elsewhere that “Heaven (Cheon 天)” is a reference to Mago.
Only about a decade ago did I begin to sense that Magoism (the Way of the Creatrix) captures only a facade of what has been addressed as “Mago” in primary sources. “Magoism” is only a short form of “Ceto-Magoism.” I realized that the very consciousness of the Creatrix is built on the cetological discoveries and venerations made by Goma, the Mudang Head Mother of Old Korea/East Asia, and her devotees (see my short writing on “Mago, Magoism, Ceto-Magoism, and Goma”).
Early this year, I proposed an idea of forming ourselves as an institutional organization, whether to be a university or a continuing education center, to Mago Work Volunteers. Then, things rolled very fast, as if the fire was ignited. Now I can say, the time was ripe for me to shape the graduate and continuing education program in Creatrix Studies!
I realize that what I have been doing through The Mago Work for the last 25 years falls on the creation of Creatrix Studies as a field. It feels magical but challenging at the same time! The Mago Work has always been a collective endeavor and the establishment of Creatrix Studies can benefit many!
The immediate tasks are summarized as follows:
1. 2025 S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference: I realize that it is the passage that will become stepping stones to cross to #2 and #3. We need your submission of paper and/or panel proposals. Here is the Call for Papers and Workshops.
2. The textbook project: The Divine Mother, Nature and Matriarchal Societies. This will be used for the course, Introduction to Creatrix Studies. We are getting together with co-editors and contributors at this point (TAB).
3. The curriculum of the Graduate and Continuing Education Program in Creatrix Studies (TBA).
The textbook project, which was first proposed before the idea of forming Creatrix Studies as a field of study became feasible, lays out the curriculum of Creatrix Studies as three subfields: Female Divine, Mother Nature, and Matriarchal Societies. In my view, these three subfields constitute the three pillars of Ceto-Magoism, a pre-patriarchally originated matrix, which has been shared by all peoples across cultures one way or another. I have shared a discussion about “the Dragon River” earlier to show how patriarchal religious texts and practices have demonized Ceto-Magoists as the sea-monster/whale/dragon/serpent throughout history. See the Dragon River Conversation here (a new version, which mentions the dragon hairpin, known as “the black gold.”
Ceto-Magoism is the topic that I am bringing to Creatrix Studies as a center of the focus. In Creatrix Studies, we are bringing not only humans (women and men of all shades across time and space) but also the Natural World headed by cetaceans (whales), as it was prior to the onset of patriarchy. Creatrix Studies is built on the Matriversal (maternally perceived universe) Myth recounted in the Budji (Epic of the Emblem Capital City), the principal text of Ceto-Magoism.
The Matriversal Myth (the consciousness of the matriversal origin of ALL formed and spread through matriarchal societies), which the Magoist Cosmogony is, is absolutely necessary for not only women but also humankind. I am not inventing this grand narrative, as you will see. Yes, it is the Grand Narrative of S/HE, the Creatrix, that patriarchal academics could not think of and subconsciously dreaded to appear. We don’t have to invent it because we have the Magoist Cosmogony, the account of the matriversal beginning and transformative reality. I am here to bring it back to the world (just like it used to be in pre-patriarchal worlds) from its long oblivion.
The Matriversal Myth is necessarily etiological and shapeshifting. The matriverssal origins are not just something of the past severed from our lives today. They redefine what we humans are today by telling us the origins from the Creatrix. Kinship between the Creatrix and Her Progeny is the key in our understanding of ALL in our surroundings. The Matriversal Myth explains who we humans are, what our reality is, and how we today should go about it. Thus, it puts us in an intercosmic context. Oh no, I am not talking about poetic fancy or wishful thinking. We are in the Matriversal Reality of WE/HERE/NOW. This is something that patriarchal religions and institutions have stolen from us. Now it is here. I am bringing it back.
As a basis of Creatrix Studies, I intend to open up the Magoist Cosmogony (the Budoji’s first 4 chapters) and the rest of the Budoji’s 33 chapters in a timely manner to you and the public. This is a long envisioned task of mine and I am finally doing it. Below is the Magoist Cosmogony and my article on the Budoji.
In humble spirit,
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
I’d like to see a little more inclusion here. True, The Great Mother as creatrix does return us to beginnings but all I have to do is to look out my window even in winter – most trees are self pollinating – (male and female reproductive parts are different and equal… I could go on here… my point is that for me ‘S/he’ needs to include both female and males energies. As a naturalist I cannot subscribe to privileging one over the other. I begin with a focus on Earth because this planet is all we know – and westerners know almost nothing – Unless we are Indigenous peoples who are wed to the land/seas we seem to have ‘forgotten’ that first of all we belong to the earth and are intimately connected to her
Dear Sara,
S/HE includes both she and he here not only human females and males. That is the whole point. And the main point of this post is to share the first four chapters of the Budoji. Did you read them?
Which cosmology?
There is no bigger inclusion than S/HE, the Creatrix, in my consciousness.