Ice Above and Below and the Coming of the Light by Sara Wright

This is a Tewa spirit pot with an image of Avanyu, spirit of the waters

January’s twilight

hours draw me

into her pale embrace

stalactites and frozen

streams whisper

that winter’s skin

is thin even with

months to go

flowing water

is muted

under seeded snow

underground roots


with light


forest boughs

wake in wild winds

crack and moan

rest in peace

at dawn

bears sleep

fox and weasel

seek slivers of

open water

I walk in slow

motion to

stay upright

at the edge

of a meandering

serpentine stream

listening for

the scent

of just one

hemlock singing

feeling the tangles

of gray and green


standing at the window

I ask

how many

forested eyes

are meeting my own?

Even in deep winter I am no longer separate from earth and sky. How did this happen I ask myself after years of feeling bereft for months as winter white dragged on? These days even when confined indoors my windows let in the light I have longed for, though my aging eyes grow dim. Although it is harder for me to traverse a frozen landscape after breaking my hip last year, I continue to snowshoe over the snow and stand out under the stars seeking the Light of the Great Bear and the Animal Powers. Circles and cycles overlap. Along with the Great Bear who circumnavigates the sky Earth is spinning –   bringing with her ‘First Light’.


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