(Poem) One People, One Plea by Mary Saracino

Full Moon Albuquerque by Mary Saracino

Everywhere the world’s gone crazy

righteous rulers grease their greedy palms

wrap their filthy fingers ‘round the spoils of power

broker death deals at every corner

genocide, war, poverty

rape, murder, torture

the stench of violence

overwhelms our nostrils

we turn away, unable to bear

the odor that catches our throats

causes our tongues to curl

our stomachs to seize

our hopes to curdle

our rage to flare

unable to gaze one more time

upon the bloodied faces of wailing children

the broken bodies of dead soldiers

the despairing mouths of refugees

we turn away, unable to abide the pain

yet look we must; averted eyes

ease nothing but our own discomfort 

as horrors reign unchecked

the human heart cracks open

on TV, disenfranchised faces

infiltrate our cozy living rooms

their sorrows morph into ours

allusions of difference shatter

illuminated by our common cries;

we are one people, we have one plea:

let babies live and prosper,

let people of every nation thrive,

grow old & die encircled by loving arms,

their wounds and worries liberated

at last, by tender mercies

their ears caressed by the laughter

of their children’s children

who know nothing of human horrors

for they live, at last, in lasting peace

free, at last, to dance, to dream, to fly

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