I have been fascinated for decades about the transition from societies in which women played a significant role to those dominated by men. I think the term matriarchy is too simplistic as it ignores many of the women in these societies who had relationships as aunts, nieces, sisters, lovers which are not readily encapsulated in the term matriarchy.
What is clear is that the male dominated societies were violent and carried out raids and wars against the women, some – but not – all of whom were Amazons.
These poems are part of an ongoing thought experiment about that period. The Scythians are often identified as Amazons and were spread over an immense are from southern China to eastern Europe.
The Greek memory of this is held in their stories of the Amazonomachy – the war against the Amazons. The photo with this text is from the Archaeological Museum of Delphi which I visited in October 2024. The Greeks are celebrating the death of an Amazon. If you want to know more about the Amazons, I recommend Adrienne Mayor (2014) The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient Worldse
Melanippe: Black horse
Hippolyta: Releases the horses
Lysippe: Lets loose the horses