(Video) A Lammas Ceremony by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.

Lammas/Late Summer: the traditional dates are 

Southern Hemisphere – Feb. 1st/2nd,

Northern Hemisphere – August 1st/2nd.

The actual astronomical date varies, and it is the meridian point or cross-quarter day between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox, thus a little later than these dates: in early February for S.H., and early August for N.H., respectively.

The purpose of the video is for ceremony and I suggest pausing the video where it suits you, to add your own processing, embellishments and/or your own drum, percussion and voice wherever you please. In particular there is a dedication rite within which you may like to make your dedication. The words that I speak there are words that are offered in my book, and also in a blog on my website Lammas Dedication, which participants may use and also add their particular expression and dedications. I have made short spaces in the video where it could be paused. (Note: there is a version that I published 8 months earlier here on my channel, that does not have the added spaces, though that version could still be paused.)

The script for this Lammas ceremony is offered in Chapter 10 of my book A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos: Celebrating Her within PaGaian Sacred Ceremony, with all acknowledgements and references there.

For more full participation in the ceremony, you could have a small bowl of ash, a small basket/bowl of grains, some carrots/cookies in star shape, some dark bread and beer/juice for consuming, and you may like to make a salt dough bread figure for the dedication rite, or at least have a bread figure of some kind. There is a recipe for the bread dough in Appendix I of A Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos.You may also have a large bowl of water into which the bread figure will go.

The elements of Water, Fire, Earth and Air on the altar in this video are placed in directions that are appropriate to my region in the Southern Hemisphere, and East Coast Australia: you may place yours differently, and transliterate when I mention the direction (which I do minimally). 

The photos used are a collage of footage and photos from the 2024 Lammas ceremony at my place in Wakka Wakka country, South East Queensland Australia, and from previous Lammas ceremonies I facilitated over the decades in MoonCourt, Goddess ceremonial space in NSW Australia, Darug and Gundungurra country. I thank my partner Robert (Taffy) Seaborne for his participation in the creation of this video.

Music credit: 

  • Two clips from “Shores of the High Priestess” by Sky: from his CD Dreams which has previously allowed me to use in my work.  
  • A clip from “Shedville 28th Nov 05” by Nick Alias, who has generously shared his music, and given permission for me to use it.

Both of these pieces of music are also used in my PaGaian Cosmology Meditations published 2015, for which Nick Alias was the sound engineer.

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