The threat of rape is part of patriarchal language.
Renaissance revival art immortalizing and normalizing Greco-Roman rape culture wraps rape in a cloak of silence: Images of rape are there for all to see, yet the art world hardly ever mentions it. These images, glorifying male violence, have shaped the language of our colonial art history. Compare to Indigenous Australian artist, Maureen Hudson Nampijinpa, who I believe creates in the language of the shaman, where patterns represent the Ancestor Rainmakers and Water Dreaming sites. I like to imagine her images look down to Earth, through the stars, from space.
Female Impressionist painter Morisot, painted women because the images of women hanging on museum walls represented women as patriarchy wanted them to be, even though this was illusionary. Apparently Manet, unasked, corrected one of her paintings, by painting over it, which the Guardian Newspaper describes as “Manetplaining,” (a play on mansplaining).
The language of music has been standardized. According to Jain 108, the current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz, despite the understanding 432 Hz is more healing because it harmonizes with the cosmos.
Om (Aum) is a sacred sound, mantra and invocation representing primeval creation and essence of consciousness. To the ancient Egyptians speech was magical. Words were spells. The Hex, as a proclamation, held supernatural power. “Telling the Bees,” a European tradition of informing bees of deaths, births and marriages, possibly by humming to them, may have evolved from beliefs bees transcend worlds. Vibration heals.
Mantra raises vibration. Harnessing resonant “song” can de-escalate violence during feuds. In his essay Man the Singer: Song Duels as an Aggression Restraint Mechanism for Nonkilling Conflict Management, Joám Evans Pim, discusses song duals, in various cultures, as a means of limiting fatal violence. [4] In New Zealand, MPs have expressed their protest in parliament, with power and passion, by performing a Maori Haka (do watch this is thrilling).
Women are being voted into positions of power, talking peace and collaboration, rather than using intimidation and violence to settle disputes. In response to threats and tariffs, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum wrote,
“What is needed is cooperation and mutual understanding to tackle these significant challenges.” [5]
We must stop sanitizing war talk and see it for what it is. The phrases “the laws of warfare” and “holy war’ imply decimating others is honorable. In The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth [6], Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor claim the Old Testament is the first handbook of holy war.
We forget how to be with the language of consciousness in all its vastness. Look up and you will see. Women’s cycles and cosmic cycles are not patriarchal language. Women are tuned into the language of the cosmos, but mostly it has been lost to us through colonization, ownership and the deliberate separation of consciousness by hierarchical, patriarchal structuring.
In The Consciousness of WE/HERE/NOW in the Magoist Cosmogony from The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia, [7] Helen H. Hwang says the gynocentric Budoji cosmogonic myth counters,
“the assumption that the male God of monotheistic religions is superior to the female divine of other world religions, which are often assumed to be polytheistic, henotheistic, or animistic, thus implying “inferior” or “anomalous.”
It is believed that the masculine-feminine language divide evolved from the Proto-Indo-European grammatical genders: animate and inanimate. This tentative link brings me to Animism: A consciousness merging with, and spirit housed within all things, including the seemingly inanimate (soil, crystal etc), because the “inanimate” also have life-force and soul.
In my view Einstein talks like an Animist because you probably can’t get to where he got in Quantum using patriarchal language. If you talk the language of the stars and nature in all its fractal splendor, you can get where the shamans went, to a place of intuition, knowing and connectedness.
In Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants [8], Robin Wall Kimmerer connects the reader to healing Mother Earth language. Illustrating how Spirit Language works Robin says,
“In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”
Druid, Dana O’Driscoll says speaking and writing in English makes her feel uncomfortable because it “dehumanizes” spirits and nature. Using terms such as “it” re-enforces human-centric divisions. She suggests using the name of the river, flower, animal to acknowledge their “being” and remove hierarchy.
Perhaps meditation is the way to return to a holistic way of being. Reconnecting with the land and spirits surrounding us blurs the illusionary edges created by the deliberate separation of consciousness that patriarchal language requires to endure.
We can honor other’s voices: Spirit, people, animals, trees, the Earth, the cosmos, by listening and changing our perspective. The mountain is the Goddess, not something to be conquered. The forest is sacred, not simply timber. Earth is our mother, not a resource.
“Socrates said, “The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.” – Ursula K. Le Guin. [9]
Let us remember that Aspasia, a female teacher, instructed Socrates in rhetoric.
(End of the Essay)
References and Citations
[1] Romance languages. Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Romance-languages
[3] Livingstone, Glenys, Ph.D.. There’s a Place for God and it’s in the Bedroom. June. 2. 2014. Pagaian Cosmology. https://pagaian.org/2014/06/02/theres-a-place-for-god-and-its-in-the-bedroom-2/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGkDh5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHYdHTXg1_WubfxsvkeJ4rUJF3ia-jEtVbzWQdjillmM4ZvOh4zqczepcjg_aem_Jw0GLXPsXQtzOED_x_g25A
[4] Pim, Joám Evans. Man the Singer: Song Duels as an Aggression Restraint Mechanism for Nonkilling Conflict Management, April 2013. Oxford Academic. https://academic.oup.com/book/12748/chapter-abstract/162864748?redirectedFrom=fulltext
[5] Letter penned by to Trump November 2024, by Mexico President Claudia Sheinbaum.
[6] Sjöö, Monica. Mor , Barbara. The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth. First published January 1, 1981. This Edition: May 27, 1987. HarperOne. Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/910444.The_Great_Cosmic_Mother
[7] Hwang, Helen H. The Consciousness of WE/HERE/NOW in the Magoist Cosmogony from The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia. 2015, Mago Books. https://www.academia.edu/23158464/The_Consciousness_of_WE_HERE_NOW_in_the_Magoist_Cosmogony_from_The_Mago_Way_Re_discovering_Mago_the_Great_Goddess_from_East_Asia_Mago_Books_2015_
[8] Kimmerer, Robin Wall, Dr.. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, Originally published October 15, 2013, Milkweed Editions. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17465709-braiding-sweetgrass
[9] Le Guin, Ursula K. Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew. April 1, 1998. The Eighth Mountain Press.