Spirit Salve for Stormy Times – Eris by Alison Newvine

Daffodils in Lytle Creek, California. Photo by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, March 2025

Eris, Merciful One

Eris has awakened
She’ll not go back to sleep
the charcoal chaos of this precipice
has roused Her
No longer just sleep waking amongst the giants
She is Fully Awake
and Her consciousness is Growing moment by Moment.

Blessed Mother
Guide Our Footsteps
as we traverse down the sides of this cliff
into the Next Realm of his dark chaos
Guide us to One Another
seeding the daffodils
that will rise from this murderous hatred they bring
the storm gods
here they come again.

Eris we praise you
as we melt into the chaos within our minds
You guide is into our bodies
sensually, firmly
until all is
fire and light and Eris
Sweet Mother of the In between Place
May we birth the next heaven now
through our actions of mercy, Your Mercy

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