Partner Organizations


Mother Tree Sanctuary:
Mother Tree Sanctuary, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is a spiritual, cultural and wholistic wellness community that honors the Primordial Goddess and our Interconnectedness with Each Other and with Mother Earth. We invite you to Grow with Us! #MotherTree #GrowWithUs

Billedkunstner Elisabeth SlettnesThe Girl God

The Girl God is a series of children’s books for women and girls, young and old, to inspire them to find the Goddess within them.  We are developing Goddess Camps for Girls as well as many other avenues of exploration and discovery.  You can find out more about our projects at


GL APAGAINCOSMO-FRONT COV w_outtexPaGaian Cosmology

PaGaian Cosmology is an ecospirituality grounded in Indigenous Western celebration of the Earth-Sun annual cycle, linked to contemporary scientific story of the unfolding universe, and female imagery for the Sacred. It re-stories Triple Goddess metaphor as a pattern of Creativity, which unfolds the cosmos, manifests in Earth’s life, and may be known intimately.

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