(Ongoing) Call For Contributions

Thanks to your support and interest, the Return to Mago (RTM) E-Magazine has grown rapidly for the last twelve months and continues to send out the message that WE ARE ONE PEOPLE in the Great Goddess. It is open to the public across the continents. We have begun to publish materials in non-English languages. Our readership displays over 147 nations as of December 30, 2015. Our Volunteer Editors (Rosemary Mattingley, Deanne Quarrie, Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Glenys Livingstone, Alaya Dannu, and others) are ever-committed, a symbol in itself for what WE are. We seek out contributions that can visualize our connections, struggles, and visions. We welcome the following perennially:

Introduction of Goddess from around the world (the great goddess in priority) and her history, myth, material cultures;

Feminist issues;

Structural/institutional issues (racism, sexism, colonialism, capitalism, and nationalism, etc) that hinder the goddess consciousness and activities;

Spirituality, religion, history of a particular people that revere the female divine;

Cosmology, ecology, and nature in relation to the female divine;

Song/dance of life-searching and life-loving work, project, and expression;

We also seek seasonal themes such as equinoxes and solstices, feast and holiday messages. By contributing to Return to Mago, you are participating in WE, the Current of Connecting with All Beyond Differences, the Way the Universe Is as our ancestors did. Please send an email for submission inquiry or more information to Dr Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (ninemagos@gmail.com, Founding Director and Co-editor).

Meet Our Advisory & Editorial Circle Members!

Regular participation (read and comment on posts by other than oneself) is strongly recommended for ongoing contributors and required for new contributors.  

As a way of strengthening RTM’s roots, we editors request new contributors to read and comment on at least three previously published posts prior to the submission of their first post. We strongly recommend that current contributors engage in RTM activities by reading and commenting on at least one post by someone else on a weekly basis. Your support will help us all greatly!

Basic Guidelines:

We are seeking relevant and creative materials that include research, experience, insight, knowledge, vision, and/or event anytime. We welcome articles,  essays, poems, reports, fiction, journals, photo essays, short videos, and art pieces.

  • Special Topics: Goddess Feminism, Goddess Activism, Goddess Spirituality, Goddess Manifestation, and Magoism, The Consciousness of WE in S/HE. For more, see here.
  • General Topics: Our emphasis is on any theme of goddess and the female divine of the world to promote connection, peace, creativity, diversity, and activism of many kinds.
  • Include one or a few sentences from your essay that will entice our readership. We may use it as “a pinned quote” for your post.
  • If you are a new contributor to RTM, provide a short bio and a self-portrait photo for us to create your contributor’s post.
  • Once we create your contributor’s post named “(Meet Mago Contributor) XYZ,” that post will be always linked at the end for your post. However, If you want your bio visible in your post, please include a short bio (max 100 words) at the end of your manuscript (newly revised 10/20/2016). 

Submission Guidelines

Please be considerate of our volunteer editors who will be providing professional reviewing, copy-editing, and proofreading for your submissions by observing the following:

  1. Essays, creative prose, and poems must be submitted as WORD documents (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font). Do not use italics or boldface, other than for text in your work that requires emphasis. If you are using a software program that does not allow you to format your document in this way, please let us know before you submit your work for consideration.
  2. Submit the final, publication-ready version of your contribution. If your submission is longer than 1000 words or more than 4 pages, we cannot publish it in one posting, due to WordPress constraints. You will need to indicate the place or places in the document where you would like to separate the longer document into smaller parcels (for example, Part 1, Part 2).
  3. Our editors will copy-edit your contribution to correct for minor grammatical, spelling, and other content-related errors without contacting you. Contributions that require major editing changes will be returned to the author for revision.
  4. For prose and poetry submissions, please a photo or image (as a separate JPEG image, not embedded in the WORD document) to accompany the piece, along with copyright information.
  5. Once your work has been accepted for publication (and copy-editing is completed), it will be scheduled for posting. At that point, it cannot be returned to the author for revision.
  6. If you decide that you do not want your work to be published on the Return to Mago e-zine, please inform us immediately so that we do not schedule it for posting. Once pulled, it will not be accepted for re-submission.
  7. For artwork, please send a JPEG file of the image and copyright information, and, if appropriate, include an author’s note to provide some context for the image/s.

Guidelines for submitting previously published work

If you are submitting work that has already been previously published elsewhere, the Return to Mago editors ask contributors to contact the original publisher and obtain permission to reprint the written material and/or artwork on Return to Mago. Kindly provide that reprint permission information when you submit previously published work for publication consideration in the Return to Mago E-Magazine.

A note about copyright ownership of materials published on Return to Mago

Upon publication of written materials or artwork, all rights revert back to the author/artist. However, if the work is reprinted elsewhere, the Return to Mago editors ask all authors/artists to indicate that the work appeared on Return to Mago (with a link to the page if possible).re you submit your work for consideration.

Email your submission to ninemagos@gmail.com (Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Founding Director).

Our Editors Collective will review your submission as quickly as possible and notify you of the decision. Please email us about a non-English essay submission if you have one. Thanks so much and Mago Blessings!

RTM Editorial Circle announces the following:

We strongly encourage active participation by our contributors: read and comment on posts other than one’s own.

We editors request new contributors to read and comment on at least three previously published posts prior to the submission of their first post. We strongly recommend that current contributors engage in RTM activities by reading and commenting on at least one post by someone else on a weekly basis. Your support will help us all greatly!

And we will publish the contribution of our ongoing contributors in a prompt manner through a fast track schedule, TBA.

RTM Editors will create and send a monthly newsletter to our contributors, supporters, and readers. Each month, we will highlight Featured Contributors, Ongoing Contributors, World Section Contributors, and Guest Contributors.

We are seeking short writings from you on these two topic questions: What does it mean to be a RTM Contributor? Why am I committed to RTM as a contributor? Tell us what it means to be a RTM contributor for you, wherever you are located and however frequently you have written for RTM, and/or why you are committed to the mission of RTM, which is to collectively cultivate the consciousness of WE in S/HE. Your shared thoughts and words are our resources to burn the fire.

(Special Post) To Contributors: Strengthening Our Roots by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

(Special Post) What It Means to Be Co-Founder of RTM by Rosemary Mattingley

Also if you want to update your RTM contributor’s post, please email to Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (ninemagos@gmail.com, Founding Director and Co-editor).

If you are an ongoing contributor, please consider yourself under one of the following four categories and let us know when you submit your next contribution.

Four Categories of Contributors: Please consider yourself under one of the four categories (Featured Contributors, Ongoing Contributors, World Section Contributors, and Guest Contributors) and indicate it in your submission. All contributors will be listed in the Contributors’ Page and sidebar widgets, as follows:

  • Featured Contributor (FC): At least once per month substantive contribution AND be visible by commenting, liking, and/or reblogging your posts. RTM designates FC in the sidebar widget with a thumbnail image, to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
  • Ongoing Contributor (OC): At least bimonthly contribution AND be visible on the website and/or social media. RTM designates OC in the sidebar, to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
  • World Section Contributor (WSC): WSC is good for you if you would like to contribute occasionally. If you are located in Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas, Australia or elsewhere and/or if English is not your mother tongue (thus you can bring conceptual/cultural diversity), you can become a World Section Contributor. Bimonthly contribution is recommended but not mandatory. RTM designates WSC in the side bar (Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia, Europe), to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
  • Guest Contributor (GC): If you are new and/or if you can make a contribution twice per year, you will be listed as GC on the Contributors’ Page.

You can submit as many as 6 contributions simultaneously. All sequels are published weekly back to back.

For questions, please fill out the below form or contact our editorial staff at return2mago@gmail.com. Thank you for considering Return to Mago E*Magazine, a division of The Mago Work.

Previous Call for Contribution Themes:

(Call for Blogging Contributors) Blog directly in RTM Dashboard


(Call for Contributions) Call for Artwork for Goddess Music Video

(Call for Contributions) E-Interviews that Build Bridges

(Call for Contributions) Commemorating our ancestor feminists: Matilda Joslyn Gage (1826-1898), Marija Gimbutas (1921-1994), Mary Daly (1928-2010), Audre Lorde (1934-1992), Paula Gunn Allen (1939-2008), Gloria Anzaldua (1942-2004), and Your Hera

(Call for Contributions) On the Coronavirus and Your Goddess Feminist Activist Spirituality

(Call for Contributions) Story Your Goddess Feminist “Me Too” Insights for the coming year!

(Call for Contributions) RTM relies on your sharing of talents/passions/struggles!

Get automatically notified for daily posts.

10 thoughts on “(Ongoing) Call For Contributions”

  1. Hi!

    I would like to contribute as an artist, if you will have me (?). Please let me know as soon as possible (email me or answer below my comment). Thanks for letting me have my say!

    1. It is part of the nature of online Magazine that RTM is. Images related to the essay or poem create powerful associations. Text can be an image as well, free useful images are available. If you are interested, please email us your submission. Thank you.

    2. It is part of the nature of online Magazine that RTM is. Images related to the essay or poem create powerful associations. Text can be an image as well, free useful images are available. If you are interested, please email us your submission. Thank you.

  2. Dear Helen, I have a 20 minute video – “A Journey to the Heart of Things” –my performance at the Matriarchal Studies Conference, May 2012 San Francisco. I’d love it if you can use it in your next edition . . . xxoo


  3. Hi, not sure where to enter this. Soon to publish my book, The Moontime Harmony Workbook, which is a guide to help wombyn return to a harmonious and spiritual moontime, ie. illumination of the blood mysteries. If this topic sounds appealing for a contribution, I would be happy to offer something based on my book.

  4. Scrying on the Moon

    ~twilight of the goddess, call to song to aery dancing, lady fair your fiery trance rewinds our souls; enjoy these offerings of fancy: all art is yours ~

    By sibylline light
    images I recognize,
    creviced captures of my life.
    I know her judgment to be my own.

    “Nourished by Moon rivers
    mythical cavern blooms
    unseen by sunlight
    glow green.”
    Thus she sets the scene;
    becomes the prophecy.

    “Purest white simplicity
    curved to suggest fragility
    faith fed maiden ready for
    given in bondage to womanly woes,
    hard rows to hoe
    for tight human hug through
    crying of night.

    Fate of mortal soldiers, sacrificed to lust.
    Seeking relief, beg for the boon of drama
    high adventure
    sneaking into sad hotels
    for a fix or a tumble.
    deadly play,
    danger, a real chance.

    Barefoot in the snow
    icy roads
    winds so strong
    I could not make you hear.
    I thought you were my destiny.
    Crazy thoughts, far from clear;
    but I believed
    song lyrics from Saturnine deities
    would not lie, leave me
    dying, fading into winter’s grey
    drifting clouds,
    endless sorrow endured for naught.
    Lost on this careless corner,
    dreaming of oblivion, intent on visions
    like rain
    tapping against eternity’s
    vast windowpane.
    Scenic serenity.
    Nature’s gradations of green
    soothe tired eyes,
    trembling nerves, throbbing veins.
    Slivers of moonlight reflect,
    disperse through refrains, unearth secrets
    embedded in song
    effervescing through cool pure air

    cleansing the uprising nestling
    set aflame
    tempered mettle,
    pure, wise, tested
    engorged with the will
    to rise”

  5. Submission:
    (Written March 19, 2012)

    A Moment in Time by Coz McSea

    Equal days of dark and light.
    Vernal Equinox balance in height.
    Sun centered on Gaia’s middle.
    We see the changes, little by little.
    Changing season. Rebirth here.
    I celebrate. Midspring in my year.

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