Mother, here is war
here is my fear of war
here is my horror, my cringing hands
my despairing lips that wail “I am helpless
Look what they do to me.”
Here is my fear,
receive my offering on the beauty of this music
I face the horror
I dare to worship
I dare to seek your refuge
Though I turn my back upon the killing
I turn my heart to all who kill and are killed
your children
Mother take my pain into your Heart
on the beauty of this music I dare to have bliss.
I dare dance on the pyre of death
my Heart as large as yours
My head lifted, lips moist with your nectar
I dare to dance on the battlefield
My feet blackened with charred remains I dare to dance
intoxicated with love
Intoxicated with peace.
I refuse to march to war
I dare to dance with love
on your green grass or your charred body I will dance
intoxicated with love
intoxicated with peace.
Vajra-Ma, © 2005
Published in We’Moon Calendar, 2015
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