What if whales are singing the music of the spheres?
What if whales sing in the rhythms and tones of creation creating?
What if whale song brings forth new being?
What if whale song travels beyond earth’s bubble of air?
What if whale song reaches the stars?
What if whales sing to the stars?
What if the stars sing back?
– Harriet Ann Ellenberger, 15 December 2018
note: “Whales and the Cosmos” was inspired by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang’s most recent work in reconstructing the old mytho-history of East Asia, in which whales, stars and creation-through-sound play a large part (see her articles in Return to Mago E-zine). The wild-eyed questions in the poem are mine, but she was the muse.
Scientists are still not certain what purpose is served by the lengthy and extraordinarily complex songs of whales.
Meet Mago Contributor, Harriet Ann Ellenberger.

Anna Tzanova has expressed her appreciation for your poem in The Mago Circle, Facebook group, Harriet. Just to let you know.